
  1. M

    how do you introduce yourself to girls? (HIGHSCHOOL KIDS)?

    Im asking cause 1)ive been going to an all boys school for the last 5 years (im a freshman) 2) i have met girls before but it was in a group and it wasnt like, direct 1 on 1 so here are my concerns 1) a handshake seems to formal, 2) a high five seems really dumb How do you introduce your...
  2. M

    My boyfriend won't introduce me to his mom.?

    I've been dating my boyfriend for 4 months now and he won't introduce me to his mom. He has met my parents and they like him. But I haven't met his mom. He said he doesn't want me to meet his mom because she may like me too much and every time he does something she might question him about me.I...
  3. B

    When my ex gets out of jail how should I introduce our child to him?

    When my ex gets out of jail how should I introduce our child to him? I know this is a long way off but I still think about it. Background-I have a 3 month old and her father got locked up for fighting a month before she was born during the pregnancy he wasn't there and made things extremly hard...
  4. J

    What is the best way to introduce a puppy into a home where there is...

    ...already another dog? I have a four year old Staffy female (neutered) who has been brought up with another dog which i've recently had to have put asleep through old age. I am collecting an 8 week old Staffy male next week and was just wondering on what other peoples thoughts were on...
  5. F

    i want to introduce myself to mythology, i just don't know where to start?

    i just dont know where to begin my reading? any advice (: ?
  6. Y

    My ex wants to introduce our daughter to his girlfriend. I still hate her.

    Will I let him? My ex left me when I was 5 months pregnant for that girl. We are good friends now since he visits our child as often as he could and supports her financially. I recently got married but I still can't get over what she did to me (my ex GF). When I was pregnant she pretended to be...
  7. Y

    My ex wants to introduce our daughter to his girlfriend. Will I let him?

    My ex left me when I was 5 months pregnant for that girl. We are friends now and he visits her as often as he could and supports her financially. He said he loves our daughter so much. I just recently got married and now my ex wants my 2 years old daughter to meet his girlfriend. Am I being...
  8. F

    Who is your favourite fashion blogger? Introduce me some nice blogs?

    I really prefer bloggers with vintage and soft styling, not the edgy, cool, city type. I prefer a country girl type :) It will be a plus if she is French as I don't know why but most of the blogs I like are by French bloggers. I love the cherry blossom girl And another one I forgot her name...
  9. K

    Can I introduce some young gold fish?

    Cutting a long story short, I have previously kept Gold fish and had them for many many years before they died. When they did, I replaced them with Guppies. That was when I had a 3 foot tank. We now have a 6 foot fish tank which has mostly Guppies. We also have a few Platys, 2 male Bristlenose...
  10. A

    What is the best way to introduce a new dog to an existing dog family?

    I have a two year old neutered male jack russell terrier mix that we have had since he was 6 weeks old. Last week we rescued a small stray unaltered female terrrier mix. After keeping her isolated and getting her check out by a vet we decided to introduce them. I sat on the floor and let them...
  11. Y

    How would you introduce your students to the culture of an English-speaking country?

    Please describe an activity which would help them learn more about the country and increase their cultural sensitivity. please provide specific details about the way you would organise the activity in your class. (Write about 150 words)
  12. A

    How do I introduce myself to a girl?

    So there's this girl i've seen around and we have a few mutual friends. I would like to introduce myself and get to know her better but thing is, i'm quite shy unless its someone i'm quite familiar with. Any suggestions? I see her in-between a few classes everyday if that helps..
  13. H

    Was Lenin forced to introduce the N.E.P if he was going to save communism?

    If also tell me why? whether you say yes or no? Many thanks
  14. J

    For how long is a newcomer in AA supposed to introduce themselves as a...

    ...newcomer in meetings normally? Alcoholics Anonymous
  15. J

    For how long is a newcomer in AA supposed to introduce themselves as a...

    ...newcomer in meetings normally? Alcoholics Anonymous
  16. H

    Was Lenin forced to introduce the N.E.P if he was going to save communism?

    If also tell me why? whether you say yes or no? Many thanks
  17. B

    What is the best way to introduce oneself in a letter?

    I have to compose a letter to my school in order for them to submit them to scholarships. I need to describe why I should continue my education and why did I pick my career of choice. What is the proper way to start this letter? instead of hello my name is blah blah, is there a format guideline...
  18. A

    How to introduce someone back into my life.?

    My ex and I ended our relationship three years ago, but over the course of those three years apart, we slowly began to realize that being apart from each other is a mistake and that we are perhaps meant to be together. The problem is that over those three years, a lot has happened, we have dated...
  19. K

    introduce me some songs?

    can someone introduce some songs or bands like iron and wine? or those peaceful-ish kind of music with singing.
  20. F

    how to introduce my horse to dressage?

    any ideas ? he is already very supple , and is on the bit in all three gaits coming from the hocks