how do you introduce yourself to girls? (HIGHSCHOOL KIDS)?


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Im asking cause

1)ive been going to an all boys school for the last 5 years (im a freshman)

2) i have met girls before but it was in a group and it wasnt like, direct 1 on 1

so here are my concerns

1) a handshake seems to formal,

2) a high five seems really dumb

How do you introduce your selves to girls/ girls, how do you like guys to introduce themselves to you?

Was sup.... I think I have done enough in high school to answer this question..... the way to introduce yourself to a girl is not to introduce yourself .... not at first.... first try and find out their name and ask questions to the point were they tell you stories..... start off with a question like " wats your name" if she asks "why" say because your cute or if you want her as a freind, just say because you want to know... Only answer the questions she asks.. don't tell her your name unless she asks cz it will put you off as mysterious which is blood...... I hope this fixes your problem.