
  1. S

    The history and interpretation of the discoveries of Homo erectus in East Asia

    and Southeast Asia? East Aisa use Zhoukoudian, South Asia use Sangiran, Ngandong.Thank you!
  2. B

    What is the modern Christian interpretation of these verses?

    Luke 14:33- "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." Matt 19:23-24- Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel...
  3. M

    What's ur interpretation of Franz kafkas book "the trial"?

    Who is actually the court and what I he guilty of? My opinion is that he was describing his illness(he died from tuberculosis). What do u think? Use some statements to support ur answer
  4. X

    dream interpretation help please?

    my ex texted me and said she had a dream about me. we broke up 4 months ago but it was more due to distance(she moved to another state) when she is in town she is with me. I did hear about her moving in with a guy though, not sure if they are together or anything though. anyways she said her...
  5. S

    dream interpretation?

    so i had a dream that i was on vacation somewhere with my girlfriend and we were just lying in bed together. what can this tell me about our relationship?
  6. L

    Buddhist interpretation of the history of Budda?

    I've read in the Insights of the Dalai Lama Budda in a former life ( before enlightenment) was born into a hell. In this hell a device appeared on the top of his head and began turning up his brain. Reflecting on this suffering ( caused by his own prior negative actions) he contemplated...
  7. N

    Quote interpretation from Les Miserables novel?

    For the life of me, I can't make sense of a quote from Les Miserables and would love if someone could help me decipher it. This is an excerpt of chapter 8 where the Bishop Myriel and a senator discuss religion and the senator's ideas on agnosticism. "You great lords have, so you say, a...
  8. L

    Buddhist interpretation of the history of Budda?

    I've read in the Insights of the Dalai Lama Budda in a former life ( before enlightenment) was born into a hell. In this hell a device appeared on the top of his head and began turning up his brain. Reflecting on this suffering ( caused by his own prior negative actions) he contemplated...
  9. T

    Residency Programs Not Consistent In Interpretation Of National Residency Matching Pr

    Many hospitals offer residency programs for doctors in training, allowing them to complete the education needed to become practicing physicians. Hospitals find those residents using National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) rules, but a new study finds wide variation in the interpretation of...
  10. T

    Physician Interpretation Time Dramatically Reduced By Automated Breast Ultrasound

    Automated breast ultrasound takes an average three minutes of physician time, allowing for quick and more complete breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women with dense breast tissue, a new study shows. Mammography misses more than one-third of cancers in women with dense breasts, said Rachel...
  11. J

    Dream about snake interpretation?

    I dreamt the snake crawled towards me and wrapped in my right arm. It won't leave and whenever i try to remove it, it gets angry. When i woke up, i felt my arms to be kinda heavy that it feels like there was really a snake that wrapped itself there. What does it mean? I find it creepy.
  12. I

    URgent dream interpretation WOW! help PLZ psychichs/psychologists?

    *I had a dream last night that I visited what was supposed to be an island of aboriginals. When I arrived by small shakey craft I was upset to see that there were houses not 50 feet from the area where the natives were supposed to live. I traveled back down the hill id climbed to see the houses...
  13. W

    Gayatri Mantra Dream Interpretation?

    I had a dream last night, please help interpret. I was sitting in meditation at a prayer and there was some chanting going on. The priests were doing Gayatri Mantra and another mantra which I cannot clearly remember. I was having difficulty chanting the Gayatri Mantra. It's not a mantra I...
  14. C

    how does dream interpretation work?

    I recently had my dream interpreted (;_ylt=Avj6WqyVVghBjjBJZl8B.zHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120226130004AA7u2cz) and the explanation made sense. However there seems some kind of mystical element to it because I cannot follow the logic. Take for example my dream of...
  15. C

    how does dream interpretation work?

    I recently had my dream interpreted (;_ylt=Avj6WqyVVghBjjBJZl8B.zHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120226130004AA7u2cz) and the explanation made sense. However there seems some kind of mystical element to it because I cannot follow the logic. Take for example my dream of...
  16. A

    Doctor Who: Your interpretation?

    *River Song voice* Spoilers! If you haven't watched the 4th episode of Series 6 (Season 32) of Doctor Who, the episode The Doctor's Wife, you shouldn't read what's below. -End warning- TARDIS/Idris/Sexy ;] tells Rory that the password to the old control room is 'Crimson, Eleven, Delight...
  17. M

    Dream Interpretation (Pool, Women, Sex, Music, Tiger, Creature)?

    Alright the dream started where I was at the backyard of my house, beside the pool. I was changing the music to different stations of my liking and adjusting the bass. After that I saw this weird looking creature that jumped down beside the pool. It was a creature with all the colors of the...
  18. T

    So a friend of mine had a dream... whats your interpretation?

    Friend of mine had a dream that she had sex with her ex boyfriend, but when she woke up, it was me and her laying in bed naked. What on earth could that mean?
  19. L

    Fish dream interpretation?

    Ok so I had a dream, I was on top of a very tall building, and I had a long grey silver fish in my game, it suddenly slipped out of my hand and I chased after it. I somehow ended up on ground level and I was in front of a pond/lake. I saw the fish for a little bit on the surface but then it swam...
  20. B

    Dream Interpretation, coach and drowning?

    I keep having the same dream over and over. I'm sitting at the back of this coach looking out of the window, I remember seeing a peer and the beach, than suddenly the coach is on it's way into the sea, everyone is screaming so loudly and I look down at my feet nothings their but when i look up...