
  1. T

    Urinary Tract Infection And Antibiotic Resistance

    As a result of concerns about antibiotic resistance, doctors in the United States are increasingly prescribing newer, more costly and more powerful antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections, one of the most common illnesses in women. New research at Oregon State University suggests that the...
  2. A

    Fecal Transplant Saves Young Woman From Bacterial Infection

    Kaitlin Hunter is only 20 years old, but she's already been through a life-threatening car accident that left her with a colon infection that was finally cured by a poop transplant from her mother.** **No, she is not a character on last night's season premier of 'Private Practice'. More »Post...
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    Optimal Treatment For Most Common Infection After Organ Transplantation

    Waiting to treat the commonest viral infections in transplant recipients until they reach a certain threshold is better than prophylactically treating all recipients, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). Cytomegalovirus...
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    A Combined Approach Reduces Surgical Site Infection Rates In A High-Risk Patient Popu

    A surgical patient safety program that combines three components - accurate outcome measurement, support of hospital leadership, and engaged frontline providers - reduces surgical site infections (SSIs) by 33 percent in patients who undergo colorectal procedures, according to a new study...
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    Signs Of HIV Infection Eliminated By Bone Marrow Transplant

    Two men with longstanding HIV infections no longer have detectable HIV in their blood cells following bone marrow transplants. The virus was easily detected in blood lymphocytes of both men prior to their transplants but became undetectable by eight months post-transplant. The men, who were...
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    Antibiotic That Works In Low-Oxygen Setting Prevents Reactivation Of TB Infection, Sa

    Reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection could be better prevented if a drug that is effective against bacteria in low-oxygen environments is added to the treatment regimen, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in this week's online Early Edition of...
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    Cryptococcus Protected By Titan Cells During Infection

    Giant cells called "titan cells" protect the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans during infection, according to two University of Minnesota researchers. Kirsten Nielsen, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of microbiology, and recent Ph.D. recipient Laura Okagaki believe their discovery...
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    Potential New Drugs For Fox Tapeworm Infection In Humans

    Scientists are reporting development and testing of a new series of drugs that could finally stop the fox tapeworm - which causes a rare but life-threatening disease in humans - dead in its tracks. The report, which appears in ACS' Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, shows that specific...
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    Bartonella Infection Associated With Rheumatoid Illnesses In Humans

    A bacterium historically associated with cat scratch fever and transmitted predominately by fleas may also play a role in human rheumatoid illnesses such as arthritis, according to new research from North Carolina State University. Bartonella is a bacterium that is maintained in nature by fleas...
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    Fidaxomicin Better Than Oral Vancomycin For Clostridium Difficile Infection

    CDI (C. difficile infection), a serious illness caused by C. difficile bacteria infecting the colon's internal lining, commonly occurs in patients who have used broad-spectrum antibiotics that disrupt the normal bowel flora so that the C. difficile bacteria, which produce toxins that cause colon...
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    Steps Outlined By Infection Prevention Groups To Preserve Antibiotics

    Infection preventionists and healthcare epidemiologists play key roles in promoting effective antimicrobial stewardship in collaboration with other health professionals, according to a joint position paper published by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology...
  12. K

    Candidas(Male Yeast Infection) that came back?

    I have had a pretty bad yeast infection for a few months now. I had recently gone to a clinic where they prescribed me 1 pill and some usp1% cream from a company called taro. It worked very well, it had gone away completely for about a month now However i woke up this morning and its coming back...
  13. S

    UTI or yeast infection?

    I just finished antibiotics for a UTI a couple of days ago, I took ciprofloxacin for 6 and a half days. I was prescribed it for 7 but it was making me so nauseous.. and my dr said most infections are cleared up within 3-5, so I stopped taking it. I went to the dr pretty quickly after I felt...
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    Bladder Infection In Females - Cefpodoxime Disappoints

    According to a study published in the February 8 issue of JAMA, cefpodoxime, an antibiotic used as a short-term therapy in women with uncomplicated bladder infection (cystitis), failed to meet criteria for non-inferiority in comparison to ciprofloxacin. There have been concerns that...
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    'Bath Salts' Identified As New Source Of Flesh-Eating Infection

    A study led by Russell R. Russo, MD, a third-year Orthopaedic Surgery resident at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Medicine, has identified a new source of life-threatening necrotizing fasciitis - "bath salts." The study, describing the first known case of necrotizing fasciitis...
  16. T

    Does this sound like a vaginal yeast infection?

    First it was just a lot of runny whitish discharge, then clumpy white, (the clumps went away) and then kind of yellowish thick discharge. It smells bad, but i'm not hurting or anything. What are some home remedies for this? I have apple cider vinegar and garlic powder.
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    Influenza Infection Blocked By Lipid

    A natural lipid in the fluid lining the lungs inhibits influenza infections in both cell cultures and mouse models, according to researchers at National Jewish Health. These findings, combined with previous studies demonstrating effectiveness against respiratory syncytial virus, suggest that the...
  18. M

    please could evreyone name 1 horse virus , 1horse beacterial infection and one horse

    metabolic :)? sorry am so stuck on my course work!
  19. S

    Can you contract infection from tweezers?

    I work at a spa where I was preparing the electrolysis tweezers for sanitation in the autoclave. I was wearing gloves but one slipped and stabbed me through the glove (enough for it to bleed a bit). I took the glove off and cleaned it immediately after, but I am 7 months pregnant and worried...
  20. C

    I think I have a mild yeast infection? Help!?

    For the past week, sex has been hurting me, which it usually doesn't. My boyfriend and I do have sex rather often, but the pain continues even after we are done. It's really sore. And I do have a slight white discharge. The itching really isn't all that bad. It comes and goes mostly and it's not...