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    Target 2 forms of iron to control cystic fibrosis lung infection

    The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa needs iron to establish and maintain a biofilm in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients, and therapies have been proposed to deprive the bacteria of this necessary element. However, these techniques may not work, according to a new study published in mBio®...
  2. P

    Flying with a sinus infection?

    Last week I got a really bad cough and on Tuesday night I got a really bad sinus infection. Im flying today and I have a pain in my face and a semi blocked nose, I also have slightly blocked ears. Will I survive the flight or will I die from pain. My flight is 3 hours which isnt really that...
  3. T

    Chlamydia Infection May Pave Way For Cancer Via DNA Damage

    New research from Germany suggests that persistent infection by Chlamydia may pave the way for cancer: not only does the pathogen cause mutations in host cell DNA, it also inhibits the cellular mechanisms that attempt to repair the damage. The researchers, from the Max Planck Institute for...
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    Major International TEDDY Study Finds No Link Between Virus Infection And Rapidly Dev

    Some of the earliest results from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in The Young (TEDDY) study - a major Europe-USA consortium exploring the causes of type 1 diabetes in children - has found no evidence for viral infection as a cause of the rapid-onset form of the condition... More...
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    Infection With Roundworm Quells Obesity And Related Metabolic Disorders

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, have shown in a mouse model that infection with nematodes (also known as roundworms) can not only combat obesity but ameliorate related metabolic disorders. Their research is published ahead of print online in the journal...
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    Mathematical Model Aids Ongoing Efforts To Reduce Salmonella Infection

    Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, numbering more than the cells in the rest of our body, and these bacteria help us to digest our food, absorb nutrients and strengthen our immune system. This complex bacterial ecosystem, called the gut microbiota, also helps to prevent bad bacteria from...
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    Researchers Identify Two Bacterial Communities Associated With Trichomonas Infection

    A parasite that commonly causes sexually transmitted infections among women "cultivates" specific bacteria, according to new research carried out by David H. Martin, MD, Professor and Chief of Infectious Diseases at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans and his team. The parasite, called...
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    Advancing Knowledge Of HIV Impact On Hepatitis C Infection And Genes That May Thwart

    Infectious disease experts at Johns Hopkins have found that among people infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), co-infection with HIV, speeds damage and scarring of liver tissue by almost a decade. In a second study of HCV infection, the Johns Hopkins research team participated in the...
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    Bone-Marrow Environment Identified That Helps Fight Infection

    The Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern has deepened the understanding of the environment within bone marrow that nurtures stem cells, this time identifying the biological setting for specialized blood-forming cells that produce the infection-fighting white blood...
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    Potential Diagnostic Test For River Blindness Infection

    Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found a telltale molecular marker for Onchocerciasis or "river blindness," a parasitic infection that affects tens of millions of people in Africa, Latin America and other tropical regions. The newly discovered biomarker, detectable in...
  11. J

    Do I have an ear infection?

    Yesterday I blew my nose and my left ear popped really load ad it had a little ich so I took a q-tip to clean my ear and when I was cleaning it I got a glob of ear wax. I woke up with a really bad pain from the inside of my ear. Do I have an ear infection and if not what do u think it is?
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    Medications To Combat Infection And Pain Inspired By Ocean-Dwelling Shipworms And Con

    OHSU researchers, in partnership with scientists from several other institutions, have published two new research papers that signal how the next class of powerful medications may currently reside at the bottom of the ocean. In both cases, the researchers were focused on ocean-based mollusks - a...
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    Fighting Deadly Infection In Cystic Fibrosis

    New research suggests that lowering excessive levels of a protein in immune system cells could be a strategy to clear an infection that is deadly to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Researchers determined that normalizing levels of the protein, called p62, in cells from mice carrying the most...
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    High Vitamin D Doses Reduce Respiratory Tract Infection Risk

    Patients who are prone to infections and are given high vitamin D doses for one year have a significantly lower risk of developing respiratory tract infection, compared to their counterparts who do not receive the extra daily vitamin, researchers from the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska...
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    In Older Women, HPV May Be Due To Reactivation Of Virus, Not New Infection

    A new study suggests that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women at or after menopause may represent an infection acquired years ago, and that HPV infections may exist below limits of detection after one to two years, similar to other viruses, such as varicella zoster, which can cause...
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    Determining Prevalence Of Clostridium Difficile Infection Among Hospitalized Diarrhea

    The largest scale study in Europe of the prevalence of a potentially fatal disease known as Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) has just begun. The European, multi-centre, prospective bi-annual point prevalence study of Clostridium difficile Infection in hospitalized patients with Diarrhea...
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    First Direct Evidence Linking TB Infection In Cattle And Local Badger Populations

    Transmission of tuberculosis between cattle and badgers has been tracked at a local scale for the first time, using a combination of bacterial whole genome DNA sequencing and mathematical modelling. The findings highlight the potential for the use of next generation sequencing as a tool for...
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    'Exhausted' T Cells Lead To Chronic Viral Infection

    When you get an acute infection, such as influenza, the body generally responds with a coordinated response of immune-cell proliferation and attack that rapidly clears the pathogen. Then, their mission done, the immune system stands down, leaving a population of sentinel memory cells to rapidly...
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    Autoimmune Disease Can Be Triggered By Infection

    Australian scientists have confirmed a 'weak link' in the immune system - identifying the exact conditions under which an infection can trigger an autoantibody response, a process not clearly understood until now. We have known for many years that autoimmune diseases such as rheumatic fever and...
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    Got A UTI Or Bladder Infection? Science Says Cranberry May Not Help

    There's not a lot that's worse than a urinary tract infection (UTI). It's uncomfortable, annoying--and, even though most women know exactly what it is when it hits, still usually requires a visit to the doctor and some pee in a cup. Which is why so many women turn to one well-known remedy at the...