
  1. T

    Why shouldn't homosexuals "broadcast" who their partners are?

    Heterosexuals do it all the time when they introduce themselves. They say, "this is my husband", or " this is my wife".
  2. J

    Why do homosexuals think Christians are taking away their rights?

    In my neighborhood gays have alot of rights the right to stay out of our bars, the right to never walk the street holding hands, the right to get a wine bottle smashed over their heads. The lesbos can get it too beat em if you are a woman and you want to act like a man then you should be...
  3. B

    Did Christ sacrifice himself so that homosexuals could pledge to continue in

    sexual sin for life? Obama: "I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married...you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at...
  4. G

    Do PDA's from homosexuals make you feel uncomfortable?

    I'M NOT a homophobe! Just curious :) Woah, I simply did not put about heterosexuals because I know from chatting to my friends alone that opinions are 50/50 on that. I 'singled out' homosexuals, as I was curious to see how public opinion could be different towards a PDA with people of the...
  5. R

    What few religions do not judge Homo-Sexuals?

    I am a gay male and i just want to know what few religions do not judge us because when i do have kids i do not want them to be brought up in a religion that teaches hate and judgement. I was told lutherans accept gays is that true? Whoa! Whats up with all the smack talk? Number one i do not...
  6. M

    Are homosexuals required to be celibate in Judaism?

    I wish to convert to Judaism, but the prerequisite is to commit to keep all of the Jewish law (the 613 mitzvot, I believe). However, I identify as a lesbian, and as this would be considered sexual immorality, this would go against the Jewish law. Does this mean I would have to be celibate? By...
  7. O

    Why do people believe in a religion that discriminates against homosexuals?

    Okay first of all I respect every ones' opinion no matter what it is and my question is not meant to offend anyone. As we all know we live in the 21st century and everyone should be equal including homosexuals, they are equal and deserve all the rights and respect like any one else, its just...
  8. O

    Why do people believe in a religion that discriminates against homosexuals?

    Okay first of all I respect every ones' opinion no matter what it is and my question is not meant to offend anyone. As we all know we live in the 21st century and everyone should be equal including homosexuals, they are equal and deserve all the rights and respect like any one else, its just...
  9. A

    Homosexuals ready to mingle but I dont want to. What are some ways to repel them?

    It's very weird, but whenever I go to a particular place, there are some dudes parked in their cars and sometimes whenever I go in, one of them comes in and waits behind the urinal in which im peeing in for no reason. Then I go wash my hands, and since the urinal is RIGHT next to the sink, I can...
  10. S

    Are the homosexuals in line for destruction at Armageddon, like other...

    ...false religions? like other false religions such as catholics and mormons ?
  11. D

    Homosexuals, good or bad how did your girlfriend or boyfriend in your last...

    ...straight relationship take it when? .... when you came out of the closet? How long were you dating? How did you break it to them?
  12. F

    Do homosexuals tell straight jokes?

    I've never heard one, but surely they must exist, right? Like, How many straights does it take to screw in a light bulb? Or, Two heterosexuals walk into a bar... There are gay comics, like Suzanne Westenhoffer and others; surely they must tell some. What about gays who aren't comedians?
  13. 2

    Do You Think More Homosexuals Would Vote Republican If Republicans Were Not The

    Anti-Gay Party? In 2008, John McCain won 28% of the Homosexual vote. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/nov/06/uselections2008-gayrights-marriage-california If the Republican Party was not the anti-homosexual party, do you think they could have won as much as 50% of the homosexual vote ?
  14. L

    Are homosexuals really ONLY interested in the same sex?

    To put it bluntly, I find it hard to believe that a gay guy likes to put it in a guy but does not find any female attractive enough to enjoy the same. Are homosexuals REALLY homosexuals or are the all actually bisexual?
  15. G

    It's OK to execute homosexuals

    The United Nations has a list of "discriminatory grounds" for executions ... reasons to execute someone that the UN says are not OK. And, the UN just passed a resolution removing sexual orientation from that list. This applies to state executions as well as hate killings. Human rights...
  16. S

    How can people say homosexuals aren't born gay?

    I firmly believe you are born gay. I have gay uncles, cousins, and best friends and they all knew at a young age. So, how can people say they have a choice, yet when they were 5 they loved sparkles, and were attracted to men!?
  17. D

    Homosexuals who had kids in a heterosexual relationship, do your kids ask you

    if you ever loved their mom/dad? Have they ever asked you why the two of you dated or got married if you don't like being with the opposite sex?
  18. D

    Homosexuals, you claim you are born gay..?

    I am straight, but explain something to me. Why do girl's butts and boobs make my c**k harden? Even before I knew what an erection was ( early years of grade school ) I would get excited, even went to the nurse once because my "peepee hurt" after seeing girls in skirts bend over. How do you...
  19. T

    should we let religion stop homosexuals from getting married?

    well my mom was talking to me about the disscusion that she had in school and it got e thinking if theyre are laws saying that we need to keep church and government seperate then why cant gays get married. i mean there is no way for them to win if you have congress try to pass it then the...
  20. B

    how do homosexuals decide who the man and woman in the relationship are?

    i just want to know