
  1. B

    If you saw into the future & your child was going to be the next Hitler or Robert

    Mugabe would you kill him? Say if it was his or her fate & nothing you could do could change his or her fate, except for death.. & He or she was going bring genocide to millions of a race..
  2. R

    could guevara, hitler, stalin, lenin, marx, zedong, and bush ride their bikes...

    ...with no handlebars? ten points to whoever figures out what im talking about and gives me the smartest answer :)
  3. T

    Rumor: Who was Hitler Supposedly brain controled by?

    I heard a rumor that Hitler was being brain controled by someone and thats why he didnt match the Aryan Race, I dont believe this but I would like to do some research into this ideal. Any resources would be thankful.