
  1. G

    Is it normal to be 14 and like Hitler?

    I like the way he brought his country up from the filth which were bringing it down. I like the way he got jobs and employment and high living conditions for his people. I like the way he almost got rid of the Soviets. the only thing he did wrong is that he was a Germanic supremacist. If he was...
  2. E

    Did Adolf Hitler have any problems mingling with the world financial...

    ...bankers at the 1936 Olympics? is it true that he shared a box with some of the most important financiers of Europe or their agents? how he was able to make the speeches he did against the "World financiers" ,,while at the same time sitting next to them or their representatives? did he also...
  3. G

    Was Adolf Hitler a Liberal?, Hitler was vegetarian, banned smoking, gun...

    ...control, tried to abolish religion? Adolf Hitler was Big Government, he regulated everything, restricted tobacco advertising, banned smoking, raised taxes on tobacco, restricted and regulated tobacco farmers. Adolf Hitler hated hunting and wanted gun control, all guns had to be registered...
  4. R

    why didn't christians talk hitler out of it?

    i understand nazis were in power back then but i never heard of any one opposing them on religious basis though Germany is a Christian nation , so basically the church is good only for suppressing people sexuality
  5. G

    Hitler was totally an atheist

    Right? Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. Μ

    This confuses me, if someone like Hitler accepted Christ, then he gets to...

    ...be in Heaven? Why oh why would I want Hitler in Heaven? I just read an answer claiming that someone can rape and murder people, yet if they have accepted Christ, they are given grace. Space Ghost: You are giving me 3:16? Honestly, you WANT to see freakin' Hitler in heaven?!
  7. P

    Did Hitler have any hobbies or interests ?

    I do know that he liked American cowboy and Indian movies , Esther Williams, and King Kong, but did he have a hobby ( apart from painting that is ) or any other interests that would take his mind away from politics and racial hatred ? ps, I'm serious, ( so no rubbish like sodomising little boys...
  8. H

    Whos more evil? Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Osama, Saddam, or BUSH?

    Whos responsible for the 9/11 attacks? Whos responsible for destroying this country and the economy? ..................................................................................
  9. B

    Were zionists collaborating with the German Government and Hitler?

    Zionists were helping Nazis to push create the zionist state called now "israel" read that amazing article. http://www.rense.com/general82/nzzi.htm
  10. W

    Why do Tyrants like Hitler, Kim Jung il, Fidel Castro, and others favor

    Universal Health Care? Is it so you're at their mercy and have to be loyal due to dependency, or because they care about their citizens?
  11. G

    C. O'Donnell on Hitler, God, Jews & Lies

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. U

    Is it true that the volkswagen/autobahn was originally Hitler's ideas/inventions?

    Is there proof that America/the rest of the world or w/e just took his ideas? Where can I find more information on this?
  13. G

    Hitler's Willing (Christian) Executioners

    Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust is a book well worth reading. I've read it and I think highly of the book. I don' t have time to write a review right now, but here's the PW writeup: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. G

    Hitler's (Christian) Pope

    Summary of Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII from Library Journal: Relying on exclusive access to Vatican and Jesuit archives, an award-winning Roman Catholic journalist argues that through a 1933 Concordat with Hitler, Pope Pius XII facilitated the dictator's riseAand...
  15. M

    poll: do you think hitler would have made a great president?

    back in Nazi Germany if he wasnt for fascism and all the destruction and death of the jews and other countries and religions? but instead for liberty and peace?
  16. G

    what movie is the hitler rant clip from?

    you know that clip of hitler ranting and raving in german and lots people add their own subtitles to it? anyone know what movie that is from? thanks
  17. B

    What would be the funniest, most ironic song Hitler (hypothetically)...

    ...could ever sing (cover)? ...i'm horrible at wording questions... hopefully you get my drift....
  18. H

    Who Has Seen The Hitler Rants Parodies?

    I find then really funny but I suupose it's a matter of opinion. Oh, do you like them? My favourite is "Hitler can't find Wally/Waldo" Watch it xxx
  19. G

    HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

    Since its inception, the Huffington Post's business model has been one based on providing decent political reporting and serving as a liberal news aggregate of content assembled from around the internet.But in addition to its main news page, it has also built its success on the idea that it will...
  20. B

    Hitler found out LeBron left the Cavaliers LOL?
