
  1. G

    Eilat: Hikes in Harei Eilat get to BY BUS?

    I'm 17. Me and 3 feinds are going to Harei Eilat. But we ca't drive and can't hitchhike so how do we go to a cool trip like the one we wanted (Nahal Amir)??? Don't just say no and stuff.... suggest things. Thank you sooo much if you give me info ';
  2. S

    Why isn't there a prop. to regulate CSU fee hikes yet?

    CSU as in California State University I don't understand how tuition has gone up about $1000 every year (at least this year I know) because they increase fees every other month it seems. Can't we have a law that limits the percentage of the hikes? You know like rent control or something? Thoughts?
  3. M

    How are the Obama tax hikes going to encourage investors to put more of

    Because liberals seem to think that giving money to people who will then go out and spend that money on _imported_ consumer goods will somehow do something other than send that money overseas.
  4. H

    If liberals believe in tax hikes, why aren't they sending more of THEIR OWN...

    ...money to the gov't to help out? Why aren't you liberals who want the government to have more money without cutting spending showing your superior intelligence, caring, compassion, generosity and leadership by setting an example for the rest of us and VOLUNTARILY, before taxes have even been...
  5. L

    Will Obama ever cave in on his tax hikes?

    Or will he remain defiant until it's only him, Pelosi, and Reid standing there? Democrats are deserting him in droves. 6 more today, over 40 in total now. I'm sure liberals will answer with some sort of unrelated smear since they can't argue the issue.
  6. N

    What's the big deal about tax hikes anyways, when Clinton raised them the economy

    No problema for the majority that doesn't pay taxes.
  7. T

    Do you support Obama's job-killing tax hikes?

    They will put 750,000 small businesses that are already in big trouble due to Obamacare out of business. It will also put a burden on the people who do over 30% of the consumer spending in America. Obama himself said it was a bad idea last year, and just now wants it to create a class warfare...
  8. F

    Are you looking forward to the massive tax hikes?

    I'm sure raising taxes and robbing the american people will create jobs! Freall- Somebody failed in life..
  9. B

    is this article about tax hikes from the federal government true (article)?

    I'm not asking you to read the whole thing, but I want to at least know if the tax bracket hikes are true? http://www.atr.org/six-months-untilbr-largest-tax-hikes-a5171
  10. J

    Largest Tax Hikes in History?

    http://www.atr.org/?content=120days# When does it stop? Is this what you wanted? 120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History Enjoy your christmas Good thing there are provision for them all to get a raise isn't it? I won't John Who are you kidding it won't affect 95%? Medicine...
  11. J

    Largest Tax Hikes in History?

    http://www.atr.org/?content=120days# When does it stop? Is this what you wanted? 120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History Enjoy your christmas Good thing there are provision for them all to get a raise isn't it? I won't John Who are you kidding it won't affect 95%? Medicine...
  12. J

    Are you ready for 0baama's TAX HIKES? Only 120 days to go! Are you counting

    the days!? Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin) starting in January 2011...
  13. J

    Are you ready for 0baama's TAX HIKES? Only 120 days to go! Are you counting

    the days!? Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin) starting in January 2011...
  14. T

    Will the Democratic Party fracture over the tax hikes?

    More and more economic-minded Democrats are against Obama's plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire. Will we get an answer before the November elections, or will they pull some lame duck crap? The Democrats already shamelessly postponed the trial location of the 9/11 terrorists until after...
  15. C

    Now that the "recovery" is stalled by looming tax hikes, will Dems admit

    It is pure nonsense to believe that a marginal rate increase of about 4% for people making over $250k is stalling the economy. Just another right-wing talking point fantasy.
  16. V

    Southern California 2-3 day hikes?

    My friend and I love hiking and are located in Socal, we were wondering if there were any good (scenic) 2 (3 at max) day hikes? (Takes 2 days to hike it, or 1 day there, 1 day back). Please list, or link if possible.
  17. O

    Libbers. Can you show proof that Tax hikes bring in more revenue?

    I bet you can't
  18. Y

    Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History Hits American Taxpayers?

    In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011: Is this what President Obama promised in his campaign when he talked about CHANGE "? First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and...
  19. N

    Are there any hikes at Marine OCS?

    and if so are they alot harder than the ones at boot camp?
  20. T

    People Who Purchase Insurance On Their Own Faced Premium Hikes Of Around 20 Percent,

    The New York Times: People who purchase health insurance on their own were faced with premium increases averaging 20 percent when they last sought to renew their coverage, according to a survey (.pdf) released Monday by the Kaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is a project of the Kaiser Family...