If liberals believe in tax hikes, why aren't they sending more of THEIR OWN...


New member
Sep 16, 2009
...money to the gov't to help out? Why aren't you liberals who want the government to have more money without cutting spending showing your superior intelligence, caring, compassion, generosity and leadership by setting an example for the rest of us and VOLUNTARILY, before taxes have even been increased, sending EXTRA AMOUNTS OF YOUR OWN MONEY to the government???

If you liberals aren't already sending the government extra money, then by your own standards doesn't that make you GREEDY SELFISH EVIL RICH PEOPLE WHO ARE REFUSING TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR FAIR SHARE BECAUSE YOU CAN AFFORD TO GIVE MORE THAT YOU ARE NOW???

Also, are you aware that fascist, intolerant, bigoted, free-speech-hating liberals who will hate this question because it embarrasses them with their own hypocrisy and will try to get it deleted can bite my shiny metal @ss and suck it???

Aren't those thought-provoking questions???
Did you know that I'm a veteran of the U. S. Marine Corps who defended my country during the Cold War?

How many gutless liberals here have chosen to COMPLAIN about their country instead of serving honorable military service, and then like the cowardly scum they are presume to ask people why they aren't defending the USA???
yes the thoughts i had were "man, how does this judgmental guy live life without being on the verge of a breakdown?"
If you conservatives love freedom and liberty and support war to protect it, why aren't you in Afghanistan with a gun, protecting us?

See how stupid unfounded blanket statements are? They are not thought-provoking. They are just...stupid.
I am paying my taxes under the law without whining, why can't connies do the same? You do realize that many of the people who will have to pay more when the tax cuts end are liberals too. Not all the top earners are connies.
It's simple the middle class have lost their jobs because the like of Pro Growth Club (CHINA)
Bill Conerly, Ph.D.: Better Decisions Through A Better Understanding of the Economy!
This marvelous growth has led to more affordable goods, higher productivity, strong job growth, and a higher standard of living for both countries. These economic benefits were made possible in large part because both China and the United States embraced freer trade.!

Beijing’s state-run Xinhua news service was quick to herald the latest lobbying effort on China’s behalf launched by the Club for Growth, a libertarian organization dedicated to electing public officials who agree with its free trade ideology. “More than 1,000 top American economists have signed a petition to urge Congress not to impose protectionist measures against
China,” read the story filed by Xinhua from Washington on August 3.

NO JOBS can't pay TAXES!
If I wanted to increase my taxes voluntarily, I would just play the lottery, but no thanks.
Uh,you do realize that the tax increase will affect Libs as well, right? So wouldn't that constitute them giving extra money to the Govt.

Or do you honestly think that no Libs make more than 250,000 a year?

You truly should have thought your question out a bit more!!!

As to your last paragraph,I find that people who resort to hateful name calling and rhetoric,tend to lack the level of intelligence required to be part of a thought provoking debate.
It is not that I want the government to not cut spending. It will take cutting spending growing the economy and raising taxes to balance the budget.

Cut all of these Departments to zero dollars turn off the lights and go home and we still do not have a balanced budget.

$663.7 billion (+12.7%) – Department of Defense (including Overseas Contingency Operations)
$78.7 billion (-1.7%) – Department of Health and Human Services
$72.5 billion (+2.8%) – Department of Transportation
$52.5 billion (+10.3%) – Department of Veterans Affairs
$51.7 billion (+40.9%) – Department of State and Other International Programs
$47.5 billion (+18.5%) – Department of Housing and Urban Development
$46.7 billion (+12.8%) – Department of Education
$42.7 billion (+1.2%) – Department of Homeland Security
$26.3 billion (-0.4%) – Department of Energy
$26.0 billion (+8.8%) – Department of Agriculture
$23.9 billion (-6.3%) – Department of Justice
$18.7 billion (+5.1%) – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
$13.8 billion (+48.4%) – Department of Commerce
$13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of Labor
$13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of the Treasury
$12.0 billion (+6.2%) – Department of the Interior
$10.5 billion (+34.6%) – Environmental Protection Agency
$9.7 billion (+10.2%) – Social Security Administration
$7.0 billion (+1.4%) – National Science Foundation
$5.1 billion (-3.8%) – Corps of Engineers
$5.0 billion (+100%) – National Infrastructure Bank
$1.1 billion (+22.2%) – Corporation for National and Community Service
$0.7 billion (0.0%) – Small Business Administration
$0.6 billion (-14.3%) – General Services Administration
$19.8 billion (+3.7%) – Other Agencies
$105 billion – Other

That only leave these things that congress does not vote on in the budget. These are laws that are on the books and the amount spent on them depends on how many people use them.

$677.95 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
$571 billion (-15.2%) – Other mandatory programs
$453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
$290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid
$164 billion (+18.0%) – Interest on National Debt
$11 billion (+275%) – Potential disaster costs