
  1. A

    Paula Deen Finally Admits She Has To Make Healthier Food To Sell Diabetes Drugs

    Paula Deen announced new plans to lighten up her recipes, in what seems like an unspoken admission that critics are right to be outraged by her promotion of diabetes drugs and embarrassingly fat- and sugar-heavy foods. She says she plans to remain true to herself (read: she's not going to teach...
  2. A

    Torte Reform: 7 Healthier Torte Recipes

    The following seven torte recipes keep things vegan, raw, gluten-free or otherwise a bit healthier than your typical sugar, butter and heavy cream concoctions. But one warning: Do not click through this gallery if you don't want your mouth watering. More »Post from: Blisstree
  3. A

    Pimp My Health: 5 Simple Ways To Make Healthier Chili

    Ah, what's better on a cold winter evening than a bowl of hot chili, right? Especially when it's accompanied by some delicious cornbread to dip it in. With tons of protein, fiber, Vitamin C and iron, chili can be a nutritious meal--and simple (we love one-pot wonders). But if you're not careful...
  4. A

    Poll: Do You Pretend You’re Healthier Than You Really Are Over The Holidays?

    We've all been at family gatherings and the holiday dinner table where relatives often brag about their fitness and health. "Oh, I don't eat sugar anymore," says your sister while your brother-in-law boasts about his new personal trainer and "grueling" morning workout sessions, even though, to...
  5. A

    which one is healthier?

    crock pot-bake- or grill? Been researching cooking healthier recipes but if any of you can share your opinion please do. :)
  6. E

    Why is it that pure maple syrup is considered "healthier" than refined sugar...

    Why is it that pure maple syrup is considered "healthier" than refined sugar... ...(in baking, cooking etc)? they both have a lot of sugar...?
  7. Y

    What's Healthier; Mini Chedder's, BBQ Hoola-Hoop's Or A Yeo Valley Greek Style

    Yogurt With Honey? Just Wondering What Too Have For A Snack :)
  8. T

    Are Pet Owners Healthier And Happier?

    For many people, Fido and Fluffy are more than just pets, they're true and equal members of the family. And it's not hard to see why. Our pets greet us at the door after a long day of work, settle in our laps while we're watching TV, or 'sing' along when we hum a tune. They provide companionship...
  9. A

    Dodgers’ bullpen getting healthier, probably still cursed

    </p> If you've already removed all Dodgers relievers from your fantasy portfolio, I get it. Can't argue. Not a bad play. That bullpen is a bleak, hopeless place. Just look at the miserable group pictured above. Sad, wet men, waiting to be injured. Originally I had no intention of discussing...
  10. N

    what gadget can i buy to motivate me to do more exercise/eat healthier?

    I'm not sure what i want. Maybe a step counter or something. I've heard about Garmin watches..what do they do and are they good? I also want to get back to do more running. Is there a good gadget to encourage me to get out. I'm not really into calorie counting- I want something to play with and...
  11. B

    How is nicotine gum healthier than dip or moist snuff?

    I have been using snuff for about a week, and have decided that it's not something I want in my life. I have thought about replacing it with nicotine gum. However, I am confused as to how nicotine gum is any healthier than snuff (other than that it has less nicotine than snuff does). Thanks...
  12. W

    which is healthier oreos or taco bell?

    im talking about like quesidillas and burritos and tacos the regular kind none of the diet stuff from taco bell
  13. T

    Doctor Aliza And Que Rica Vida(R) Offer Diabetes Prevention Tips To Support Healthier

    In support of National Diabetes Awareness Month, General Mills is partnering with well-known Latina medical expert Dr. Aliza Lifshitz, to bring relevant information about diabetes and diabetic-friendly recipes to Hispanic communities. The health-related materials - created to help better inform...
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    Gene Find Could Lead To Healthier Food, Better Biofuel Production

    Purdue University scientists have found the last undiscovered gene responsible for the production of the amino acid phenylalanine, a discovery that could lead to processes to control the amino acid to boost plants' nutritional values and produce better biofuel feedstocks. Natalia Dudareva, a...
  15. S

    Is an over-the-counter sleeping aid healthier than taking seroquel?

    I was prescribed seroquel several years ago as a sleep aid (in order to counter the effects of Effexor). Over the last 4 months I've gradually decreased my dosage to 25mg. In the last month I have not had a single night of good sleep but have resisted upping the dose. Will I eventually adapt...
  16. A

    Does religion make people healthier?

    I need concrete evidence both ways. I can't seem to make up my mind. Can everyone give me some sources i can look up or some case studies? thanks :D
  17. A

    According to the nutrition info lard is healthier then butter is this true?

    Now hang on don't just go saying "hell no lard is pure fat." because so is butter. Anyway lard has less saturated fat then butter so it will not clog your arteries any faster, right? correct i didn't even have margerine in the picture. Margerine is disgusting and should not be consumed. It is...
  18. F

    Is I healthier to smoke cigarettes out of a bong?

    I'm talking about actual cigarettes, not special bong tabacco or whatever. I heard bongs filter most of tar, but is it healthier? When smoked from a bong it makes you feel waaay more lightheaded than cigarettes, even when smoking a smaller quantity.
  19. S

    Which dogs are healthier? Pure-bred or Cross-bred?

    I was in an argument with a "vet nurse" in training and she told me that my Pure-bred Wire-haired Pointer won't be as healthy as cross-bred dogs on the count of that Pure-breds mutate every time they breed with their own species. "It's like their mating their cousins" is what she said. I'm open...
  20. T

    which is healthier smoking tobacco or smoking weed?

    i tink smoking weed wouldnt be as bad i dno...