
  1. N

    Are the rumors about Paul Grass true?

    ya know, the child sex slave cannibal prostitution cocaine rumors?
  2. L

    how to get rid of weeds,without destroying plants like grass and a bell pepper...

    ...plant.? im making a garden and weeds have taken over our backyard.i picked out most of them but how do i get rid of the rest? see we already grew a bell pepper plant too,so whats the best way too get rid of them and will it hurt future plants that grow there?
  3. S

    Two blonde girls see a boat hull in the middle of a park's grass.....?

    One runs up and jumps in it, but she sees that there's a hole and falls down. The other blonde girl screams "Hey! Wait! I'll help you up!". "I just need to find a boat to get to you!"
  4. G

    Does wearing indoor soccer shoes outdoors on firm natural surface like grass

    comfortable? I have been wearing my indoor soccer shoes (not cleats) on outdoor uses like on the field and grass surface for 1 year now. I have pain/discomfort on my feet. I dont know if its because of the shoes. I would like to get some feedback from you guys. Is the pain because of wearing...
  5. O

    How often does Paul switch back and forth from Tribeca_bell and Paul Grass?

    Ah, looks like another of his / her sock accounts has made an appearance. And with such grown up words too...lmao
  6. A

    Pacman Jones admits to immaturity; grass admits to being green

    Adam "Pacman" Jones returned to the playing field on Sunday after missing more than a calendar year of football with a serious neck injury. He showed up, flashed some of the brilliance that's always been there, and then had to leave the game with a hamstring injury. He vows to heal quickly...
  7. T

    What is it about grass that makes a dog's upset stomach feel better?

    So occasionally my dog gets an upset stomach and throws up. It's usually after he manages to find and eat something he shouldn't(he's a beagle so he has a knack for finding things) Anyway this is never really a big deal because I can just give him some pepcid and he's fine again. However...
  8. S

    why is it that my dog hates water but loves to roll around in wet grass?

    why is it that my dog is afraid of water (and baths) but after it's done raining he'll roll around in the grass and get soaked. it doesn't matter if it's in the backyard or on our walk he always has to do it.
  9. T

    Is there a Kind of grass that you can use outdoors, similar to turf for soccer?

    I hate when im trying to play in my yard, and the grass is too long or patchy. I played at a high school field the other day and there was this grass that you dont have to mow, and it doesnt grow but it wasnt turf. Thanks.
  10. A

    Video: Djokovic eats Centre Court grass after winning Wimbledon

    Novak Djokovic celebrated his first Wimbledon title by having a taste of the grass on Centre Court. After meeting Rafael Nadal at the net following his 6-4, 6-1, 1-6, 6-3 victory, the 24-year-old Serb walked back out onto the court, crouched to his knees and basked in the cheers from the...
  11. T

    No Nuts For 'Nutcracker Man' - Early Human Relative Apparently Chewed Grass Instead

    For decades, a 2.3 million- to 1.2 million-year-old human relative named Paranthropus boisei has been nicknamed Nutcracker Man because of his big, flat molar teeth and thick, powerful jaw. But a definitive new University of Utah study shows that Nutcracker Man didn't eat nuts, but instead chewed...
  12. S

    What is the best handheld tool for going from grass to garden?

    I want to use human-powered tools not a rototiller or anything. What would be the best tool from going from grass to a garden?
  13. Dude

    Leaves of Grass: Memories of President Lincoln poem question...?

    Can someone give me a thorough analysis of stanza 8. Who is the narrator referring to, talk about sentence structure and what are the connections to the other parts of the poem? Also almost each line starts with "As I..." What's the meaning of this?
  14. S

    Peaceful only march on Washington DC & NY a grass roots movement from all...

    ...states get on buses take a stand by? We The People? We know in one form or another the government cannot control what the banks do. Only a major movement by we the people can cause any change. Look up how it was done in the 1960's we can learn by example that being peaceful we cannot break...
  15. H

    Leaves of Grass (2009)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 800.6 MB Files: 61 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 1151359 Ext. Link: Posted: Sat October 30th 10:03:42 UTC Download NZB
  16. C

    What type of grass to ur average vegatarin fish eat on the gulf of Mexico?

    i need to know because iam doing a project!!! plz help. its only ur average vegetarin fish and the vegitaion they eat on the bottom!!
  17. C

    How do I repair a dead area of grass on my lawn that was killed by...

    ...snowmobile antifreeze over the winter? The antifreeze line broke on a snowmobile in my backyard. We now have a 3' dia circle of dead grass. What is the best and/or fastest way to repair this?
  18. C

    How do I repair a dead area of grass on my lawn that was killed by...

    ...snowmobile antifreeze over the winter? The antifreeze line broke on a snowmobile in my backyard. We now have a 3' dia circle of dead grass. What is the best and/or fastest way to repair this?
  19. N

    Is there a german version of the childrens song The green grass grows all around?

    One part of it is like this: the tree in the dirt the dirt in the hole the hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around all around and the green grass grows all around. ect. I was looking for a german version of the song... is there one? Whats it called and is there a link you can...
  20. T

    If you have been to a snowmobile grass drag, you should answer this!?

    What are the things they use to clear the tracks that look like weed wackers, but have a different end thats round? and where could i buy one? thanks!