
  1. J

    What is the funniest thing you ever heard**?

    Sorry :p
  2. G

    The Funniest Pictures Found on Google Street View [Google]

    If you've spent any time on the Internet, you know that people are ridiculous. And they're even more ridiculous in real life! Artist Jon Rafmanhas been documenting the absurd in Google Street View since 2009 with his project 9-eyes and continues to find ridiculous picture after ridiculous...
  3. S

    What is the funniest joke you've ever heard?

    Have you ever heard a joke that made you laugh so hard you cried/almost cried? If so what was it?
  4. TheFox

    The funniest Japanese joke ever?

    Do you understand Japanese? Then why did you enter, dimshit?
  5. P

    everybody love raymond who funniest character?

    i was just thinking who the most funniest character i think from Frank & Robert and Marie and even Debra are funny they make me laugh. least funniest character Raymond i dont laugh when he crack a joke
  6. S

    funniest quotes,jokes or sayings?

    Let me know
  7. G

    Is this the funniest thing you've seen today?
  8. U

    Who do you think the funniest comedian is?

    I think it's katt williams
  9. S

    What's the funniest question you ever saw on here?

    I think this one is funny
  10. I

    can you tell me the funniest jokes ever?

    i want to laugh for hours. days. months LOL
  11. I

    Tell me the funniest jokes ever?

    I want to laugh like crazy
  12. S

    what are THE funniest youtube videos you've ever seen? link me some please?

    im rather bored... could use a good laugh, link me some good ones asap please! :)
  13. D

    What are the top 5 funniest movies you ever seen?

    Mine are 1. Stir Crazy 2. Office Space 3. The 40 Year Old Virgin 4. Bad Santa 5. Ruthless People
  14. B

    What are some of the funniest YouTube videos?

    Just list some of the funniest YouTube videos you have ever seen...
  15. C

    what is the funniest movie of all time?

    i think a funny movie is Easy A also just go with it what do u think is the funniest movie doesnt matter how old or new
  16. G

    World's Funniest Joke Discovered by Laugh Lab Scientists

    Read the comments on this post...
  17. V

    Is the post nuclear "A Boy and His Dog" the funniest movie?

    you have ever seen-and did the game FALLOUT 3 borrow some of its ideas? 1 minute ago - 4 days left to answer. Additional Details @it can be watched streaming from a famous online movie thing thing that starts with "Net___"
  18. C

    What is the funniest thing to say?

    I am feeling slightly coo-coo right now and need something to say that will make me and those around me laugh
  19. M

    funniest drum name uv herd of?

    mines the nippl gong or the gaxixi?
  20. M

    What is the weirdest or funniest conversation or argument you have ever had?

    So, I thinking about past arguments and conversations I have had with people, and I was wondering something. What is the weirdest, craziest, funniest, dumbest conversation or argument you have ever had?