
  1. J

    Spiritually freaking, is there a conspiracy going on?

    I've tried asking a question so many times, I've even tried rewording it each time in hopes the Yamster's filters wouldn't stop it from showing. But alas, nothing happens.
  2. A

    My car stereo is freaking out!!!!?

    My stereo and amp turn off and on by themselves. Some time the go on and off so fast that only the stereo face lights up flashing and the amp will stay off. It worked fine before this. Now what?
  3. S

    Guys i need Help, this is freaking me out?

    i've been smoking marijuana for like a year now but the last time i smoked about 2 weeks ago i felt very weird, i was in my high and suddenly i touch my face and i dont feel it, i imediatly freaked out i started smacking my face, my arms and my legs, I could move them but i didnt feel them, i...
  4. E

    I freaking hate my sister.?

    She has a boyfriend he calls me spoilt and selfish. My sister calls me black and stolen generation and tells me i belong to dark skinned people rather than asians. Freaking hell they piss me offf. My birthday PARTY is on Sunday. I thought the adults wont be iceskating so i didnt pay for them but...
  5. M

    Stupid internet // guy I admire way too freaking much. ?

    OK, so I talked to this guy, via iSketch, on the internet like a year and a half ago. It was in a chat room, but me and my friend were hanging out and and pretty much just fooling around having fun. Basically, I got this dude's AIM and talked to him later. Now I think he's the BOMB and it's...
  6. D

    Our WI-FI Internet is freaking out, connecting but not loading pages.?

    Try resetting the router. Either press the reset button if it has one, or unplug the power cable for 5 minutes or so.