
  1. H

    Never been hiking and freaking out!!?

    Ok, So I have to go on a hiking trip in about a month from now and I never have been hiking before. I bought some hiking boots and I was told that I should try and break them in so I've been wearing them around the house. I also bought a hiking backpack. I don't really have hiking trails around...
  2. T

    Are you Sci-Fi fans freaking out about the new TRON movie coming 2010?

    "Tron Legacy" hits theatres in 2010. This movie is gonna rock my senses.
  3. M

    hit a car, freaking out?

    ok today i was leaving a parking lot and somehow wasn't watching what i was doing good enough and forgot the parking lot was kinda narrow and ended up backing into another car. there were two women standing right there who saw it so then i was like god i'm in big trouble. then i freak out and...
  4. J

    I am freaking out, what is wrong with me?

    Mentally, I am a mess. I get these voices in my head telling me to do something like I can't even listen to a song in Winamp because the track listing has to be an even number. I have to turn the light switches on and off two times, I only do it because the voices say something bad will happen...
  5. L

    My Itunes is freaking out!!?

    HElp!! Okay, so when I play a certain song, it automatically STOPS and unselects-itself randomly, or just sporadically goes to the next song at random times. It is v e r y annoying- has this ever happened to anyone, ever? It mostly just happens to one song, I'm wondering if it's a glitch in the...
  6. B

    wtf is wrong with my freaking bike?!?

    alright so my bike is screwing up. i only had it for about a month and couple weeks but i tried to do hops(new to bmx) and my handle bars slide backward. the silver part that hold the bars connecting to the other side of them, the hole in it, the handle can slide! they can go as if those pro...
  7. barbie

    Omg Freaking Out About My Educational Future?

    okay so im in the 8th grade and im registering for high school this week and next and i dnt have many choices and i know that the counselor is going to ask me what occupation i would like to up hold after high school or college. I would like to know what i want to be later in life but the fact...
  8. F

    Who Do you think gets the biggest scream and girls freaking out reaction? ( Jonas

    Fans)? Like some times i'll see somewhere or read a comment or even here or 3D movie and every girls like I LOVE NICK JONAS! and few like joe or kevin and then a couple months later all the girls move to joe! and a few be like I LOVE NICK! it's weird and then random times like recent there was...
  9. X

    I'm so freaking confused. please help me friendly people of the internet!?

    well tehres this guy. i have liked him for a long time!! people say hes a player and i am sortof beleiveing them now. he said he likes me, but today he asked out this girl he never said he likes... he still flirts with me and touches me(not in a gross way) i love him but idk what to think...
  10. S

    HELP!!! Im freaking out!?

    My daughter is almost three, and she has been home with me everyday...well my husband and I decided to put her in a daycare for a couple days a week just so that she can have some interaction with other kids. The first few days she did great, I mean she couldnt get down and play fast...
  11. S

    I need answer. Im freaking out. Does he like me?

    Is this chemistry or is this not? PLease tell me if he likes me.? I know a guy and his twin sister(since his sister is my friend) he does thing at school but i don't know if he likes me. I am crushing real big on him But i don't know if he likes me. That is what i need help on. Here i go. He...
  12. L

    Please help...I am freaking out!?

    I live in a city in the northeast US and there is a reddish animal, slow to move or respond, that has perched itself on my front steps. It is completely indistinguishable to me...does anyone know what it might be? I can't tell if I am seeing the front or the back,, but it looks like it has a...
  13. D

    i'm a freaking cow!! what should i do ?

    i'm 16 years old -- female and 5'8 160lbs (36a boobs so its not there)
  14. S

    I took Lexapro and freaking out...?

    I was prescribed Lexapro recently and have taken my first dose today. I will talk to my doc about it tomorrow - very unpleasant side-effects. However, my current state of being is unpleasant. I need to know how to abate the effects right now, not tomorrow. I feel slowed-down, kinda like drunk...
  15. L

    First time driving on the road and I am still freaking out?

    Like 4 hours ago, I was driving on the road for the first time. there weren't that many cars but when they came by, I didn't know how to stay in the lane and I was freaking out! Plus my mom is making me drive this huge expedtion the size of an elephant so I can't see anything rlly! I'm still in...
  16. F

    Freaking out about my future in terms of a career?

    I am 19 years old and a first year university student. For as long as I know I've been very organized and always had my plans and goals set up very well. However, recently I've been doing a bit more research on career options and since I've always wanted to go into business I've been trying to...
  17. G

    Losing feeling of infatuation and freaking out, please help?

    I'm not sure how to deal with this at all. I started falling into infatuation with a boy I'd been talking to for hours a week, texting a lot, back in late November. By early January, it had reached a peak, i couldn't eat or sleep at all once I realized that he either didn't want me or couldn't...
  18. V

    My cat is freaking out?

    So my cat seems to spazz out everytime she eats. Sometimes she'll just do it randomly. She is about 10 years old and i'm afraid she's hurting herself. She claws at herselt like there's something in her mouth and she's trying to get it out,but there nothing there, She's cut herself and started...
  19. K

    my iphone is freaking outttt?

    i have no 3g network or anything i can still call and text but unless i have wifi i can't do anything with the internet and i can't figure out what is wrong
  20. M

    Anyone else freaking out about the Clandestine re-launch?

    I am! Peter posted a bulliten on myspace saying that it should re-launch in like 10 mintutes, but that was over half an hour ago. I hope they get it working soon. I can't wait to see all the new stuff!