
  1. Rosee

    My ex boyfriend just started talking to me again and I still have feelings for him?

    We dated about 5 months and we both loved each other. it was my fault we broke up and afterwards we were close and still acted like we were dating at school. I wanted to date him but he just couldnt forgive me, and I know I proved to him I'd do anything for him. But he stopped talking to me...
  2. T

    I have guilt feelings about arguing with my mom!?

    Problem 1, makeup I am in grade 7. My friends ALL wear makeup. But I am not allowed. My friend gave me some but my mom found it and took it away! Problem 2, bra My Chest area is starting to look...ummm...bumpy. I feel AWKWARDDD wearing Tshirts. I think I NEED (not want) a Bra. My friends think...
  3. C

    Did this girl i argued with have feelings for me? {10 points}?

    I've been friends with this girl ever since i was little she's always been a lesbian. She's 31 and I'm 23. She moved away for awhile but then she came back. By that time i had moved out of the neighborhood. I found her on facebook i called her and we talked on the phone she called me a few times...
  4. A

    Please read! I need to know if he still has feelings for me! :'( DON'T STAND IN THE

    WAY OF LOVE! lol? It's a really long complicated story so I'll do my best to just sum it up. Basically, this guy has had a huge crush on me for nearly a year but I played REALLY hard to get and messed with his head a lot. Believe me, I completely regret it and have definitely learned my lesson...
  5. L

    Teens: What are your feelings over PDA?

    PDA is Public Display of Affection, incase you didn't know, but you probably did. Anyways, do you feel that it is okay and if so to what point? Is it okay in school and how far or do you think that it is gross and should not be shown ever.?
  6. L

    If a guy is giving you mixed feelings, how or what should you do to tell them...

    ...you're interested? without actually saying it... lol thanks aDAM!
  7. D

    how to talk about the feelings i have for my gf?

    a lot of my friends say i should sit down and talk to my gf about my feelings i have for her, but i don't know how to express myself.
  8. L

    Would you consider me a lesbian on my feelings below? Please help! I am...

    ...unsure if I am! :/? I'm really confused about my sexuality right now. I am 20 years old. When I was younger, I had a female friend where we used to experiment physically. We would pretend we were in a relationship and I would be the boy, as silly as that sounds. Just two kids mucking around...
  9. K

    Write a letter venting your feelings to some one or thing.?

    Write a note a letter here venting your feelings to your lover ,ex-lover,parents,friends,collegues,any more in your life that causes problems or stress Heres mine Dear ____, Our relationship was amazing .Especially the first few months ,i dont know if it was because it was summer or because it...
  10. S

    Survey: Do you get your feelings hurt easily.?

    I do. >.<
  11. L

    My feelings are hurt...This guy I was interested in and getting to know

    wants to have a sexual relationship? with me but has not shown the slightest interest in me outside of my physical appearance...Should I be insulted? Would you be? Why doesn't he see the good in me? btw - We have not had intercourse although he's tried...But I must say I was the recipient of...
  12. B

    Lesbian and a gay.... can we have really strong but platonic feelings for each other?

    We're 18 and best friends. Spending pretty much every day together. But alot of things he says and the way he is around me makes me feel like he's got feelings for me. And i think i have feelings for him too. But its weird, because ive never felt like this about a guy before and i wouldnt even...
  13. K

    What are your feelings about PDA in high school?

    I must admit I'm very immature when it comes to this subject I'm the kind of person that says "eww" or "gross" when I see random kids kissing in the hallway
  14. F

    Would you rant & rave online with no regard for another person's feelings?

    Why is it that some people turn into monsters behind the safety & anonymity of their computer screens? TOKYO: A Japanese man committed suicide live on the Internet after heated exchanges with online users daring him to die, reports said on Wednesday. A 24-year-old man in the northern city of...
  15. P

    When Christians tell me I can't apply human feelings to God then why can

    they tell me he's angry with me? @Geeky Girl I was going to look for the question you are talking about but your questions are set to privat. Thanks for your answer though :-)
  16. M

    I'm a lesbian, but are these feelings normal?

    I am a lesbian. I've been positive for two years. I'm 16. The problem is, the main person I have feelings for is a teacher. She's 28. I'm not sure if it's just infatuation or if it is love but all I know is that I CANNOT stop thinking of her and always want to be around her. I'm 60% sure that...
  17. M

    I'm a lesbian, but are these feelings normal?

    I am a lesbian. I've been positive for two years. I'm 16. The problem is, the main person I have feelings for is a teacher. She's 28. I'm not sure if it's just infatuation or if it is love but all I know is that I CANNOT stop thinking of her and always want to be around her. I'm 60% sure that...
  18. M

    I'm a lesbian, but are these feelings normal?

    I am a lesbian. I've been positive for two years. I'm 16. The problem is, the main person I have feelings for is a teacher. She's 28. I'm not sure if it's just infatuation or if it is love but all I know is that I CANNOT stop thinking of her and always want to be around her. I'm 60% sure that...
  19. M

    I'm a lesbian, but are these feelings normal?

    I am a lesbian. I've been positive for two years. I'm 16. The problem is, the main person I have feelings for is a teacher. She's 28. I'm not sure if it's just infatuation or if it is love but all I know is that I CANNOT stop thinking of her and always want to be around her. I'm 60% sure that...
  20. A

    relationship advice. Reoccuring feelings about my ex.?

    Let me lay out the situation. I was with my exboyfriend (billy) for a year and a half.....I cheated on him with my best friend, which I strongly regret. I always despised people who cheated and to this day hate myself for it. Needless to say we broke up and I went out with my best friend (tony)...