
  1. A

    I have conflicting feelings about my sexuality.?

    I am so conflicted as to what my sexual orientation is. I think women are pretty and desire to have close relationships with them. But, I also find men physically attractive, but I can never put forth the effort to be in any type of relationship with one beyond friends. Many guys have been...
  2. D

    Never Ending Feelings?!?

    Lately, I have been getting this "feeling". When i get it, it seems all I can think about is sex. It's like this intense wanting. I keep trying to get rid of it but it won't go away! If I have this "feeling" around guys, my eyes tend to wander to their "area". How can get rid of it?
  3. M

    Did I Hurt His Feelings?

    Ok, so i'm going to be 13 on the 19th, and my dad sent me a myspace friend request. I live with him, and my mom, so idk why he felt the need to add me. I didn't accept his friend request, and i told him that he could look at my myspace anytime he wanted, but i didn't want him on my friends list...