
  1. K

    Is the 2012 doomsday prophecy just a money-making fear campaign?

    Do I really have to explain the details? Just ask NatGeo and Discovery, even though they won't tell it to you straight but it's very much true.
  2. M

    Don't fear holiday food stains: Here's how to get them out

    [No message]
  3. M

    survey: what is your biggest fear ?

    mine is drowning
  4. L

    inability to get pregnant is creating a fear of sex?

    We have been trying to get pregnant for over 4 years. Doctors say nothing is wrong just need to keep trying but the depression and hurt I feel every month when I'm not pregnant is really getting me down. So much so that I have started rejecting all sexual advances from my husband. I have come to...
  5. A

    Survey; What's your biggest fear?

    My biggest fear is radiation. To me, radiation is the most scariest thing..ever! o.o
  6. T

    The Effects Of Existential Fear On Politics

    Why did the approval ratings of President George W. Bush - who was perceived as indecisive before September 11, 2001 - soar over 90 percent after the terrorist attacks? Because Americans were acutely aware of their own deaths. That is one lesson from the psychological literature on "mortality...
  7. M

    Help! I fear to talk/mingle with beautiful girls ?

    hi,i have a major problem that i find it very difficult to go and talk to beautiful girls or when they talk to me,when i talk with them my heart beat rises rapidly,even i stammer while talking,this happens while i talk to my classmates,neighbours,cousins etc.even while talking on phone with my...
  8. A

    The character Lucy from the book fear and loathing in las vegas by

    hunter s. thompson ? i was wondering about the character lucy in the book fear and loathing in las vegas by hunter s. thompson. can someone tell me all about her character ? who is she ? was she a hippie ? what was her role in the book ? what was she like ? what did she look like ? what...
  9. M

    Monotheistic religions that don't use fear as condition for believing in God?

    Are there any monotheistic religions that don't threaten you with fear of God's wrath and hell and don't require you to be fearful of God as a necessary condition for that faith?
  10. C

    Should we Fear this Prophecy from Mother Shipton?

    A fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before the earth shall die. Mankind will tremble and frightened be for the six heralds in this prophecy. For seven days and seven nights man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken. To bite away the shores and then the...
  11. T

    Control Of Fear In The Brain Decoded

    Emotional balance is regulated by molecular factors behind stress response. When healthy people are faced with threatening situations, they react with a suitable behavioural response and do not descend into a state of either panic or indifference, as is the case, for example, with patients who...
  12. G

    Fear and Loathing in Minneapolis

    Good morning. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  13. K

    Discuss how you handle feelings of anger and fear,include how these feeling

    affect you physically,? Mentally,and emotionally.in addition,describe how you can apply these experiences in your work with young children
  14. H

    If a person has agoraphobia (a fear of going outdoors or crowds) what kind...

    ...of therapeutic techinique is used? I know it will involve a cognitive behavioral therapist. but what's the name of a method (ex. client-centered therapy) would be used to help them?
  15. D

    There is talk of my husband doing a 4th tour. I fear he will not survive, what...

    ...are his options? PLEASE Help? My husband is Army and has done 3 tours in Iraq already in the 7 yrs he has been in. He barely made it through the last deployment without killing himself, and now there is talk of deploying again in less than 6 months. What are his options he is not dealing...
  16. T

    China HIV/AIDS Patient Care In Shambles; Ignorance, Fear Cited By UN

    Beijing we have a problem. China medical personal seem to not be able to treat HIV/AIDS victims, mostly due to lack of an understanding of the epidemic and fear of transmission according to a report released by the United Nations' International Labor Organization (ILO). HIV/AIDS became a major...
  17. J

    Are Americans who fear a total gun ban after DC v. Heller just a bunch of...

    ...crazies, kooks, and false alarmists? DC v. Heller was the 2008 Supreme Court decision that imposed a ban on a total gun ban
  18. P

    How can I overcome my fear of riding a bike?

    I'm 15 years old, and all my friends learned to ride when they were very young, but I just can't do it. I never had a bike when I was younger, but my dad bought a second hand one for me about a year ago. I'm just really scared of riding it, and I don't know why. Whenever I get on it and try to...
  19. L

    Is it possible to have a fear of being in a relationship?

    I've realized that a lot of times I kind of subconsciously sabotage any attempts at relationships for myself...like if I think a guy likes me, I'll start to ignore him, and I physically do not have it in me to talk to someone that I am interested in (I'm completely comfortable around any guys...
  20. A

    Is it coincidence most religions use fear to motivate members to join?

    How many children become christian/muslim because it is smashed into their heads that they will go to hell if they do not believe in god or follow his word? I know it scared me when I was little, luckily my parents stopped allowing my grandmother to take me to church, she was a catholic fundy...