Monotheistic religions that don't use fear as condition for believing in God?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Are there any monotheistic religions that don't threaten you with fear of God's wrath and hell and don't require you to be fearful of God as a necessary condition for that faith?



What do think Hell really is?

Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave.

New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave.

Hell is just the grave.

If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says at Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:13, 14, and Revelation 21:8 that Hades and Satan are both destroyed.

Verse 8 says that the "Lake Of Fire" is DEATH.

It says that ALL LIARS go there.

Satan IS a liar. John 8:44

Satan DIES.

The Bible says so !

No Satan+No Hades, means there is no eternal burning hellfire.

screw monotheistic religions

I say go with a polytheistic religion like wicca
Many believe lies, seek and know God and see how good he is. Do not believe anything until you find God and know him and who he really is. There are many lies, so just seek and find God to see and know they are lies.
bless you.

God is good, ignorance makes some try fear. But they are wrong, just seek God and see the truth.