
  1. F

    Which is your favourite Hogwarts House?

    By this I mean which house would you like to be in?? or if you have taken a test, which house are you in?? Just curious :P
  2. B

    A female comic character? Or your favourite ones?

    Read about her in a comic, can't remember her name though, she had her arms cut off when she was little, now she has weapons for arms when she doesn't want them to be hands (I think) and they fold under her long red jacket sleeves. She has blonde hair (now short) and red glasses/eyes. She was...
  3. B

    *~*POLL!*~* What's your favourite Halloween Movie?

    Because I'm such a child, I still love watching Hocus Pocus. Last year we watched it on the 30th, and it was like, -2 outside! The travesty! (When I was a kid, there were a ton of years where we went trick-or-treating with our coats under our costumes with mittens and toques! Oh Canada!) BQ...
  4. M

    What is you favourite Stephen King book?

    And why?
  5. B

    Is it weird that I Really doesnt like to tell friends my favourite tv show/anime?

    I know it's weird but whenever i am asked, "what's your favourite anime" or something, i dont like telling them and when people do talk about the anime (they dont know its my fave), i get really stressed out, afraid that my friends that dunno the anime will go watch it or something. Lol yeah...
  6. R

    Who is your favourite famous lesbian?

    Lady Gaga, Ellen De Generes, Rhianna or any others? I like Samantha Ronson - that is one hot guy.
  7. F

    Country Music Poll:Whats your all time favourite song?

    If you cant pick just one than your welcome to post more than that:) My favorite for right now is this one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYHT-TF4KO4
  8. S

    Rock and Popically speaking, your favourite song with an article of clothing or...

    ...accessory in the title? BQ: Favourite Elvis song? BQ2: What do you do for sunburn after you've been burnt but before your skin peels? :l. Argh I miss the rain. BQ3: How're you doing?
  9. A

    What is your favourite place in the entire world?

    Want to go on holiday when I save enough money so give me a few ideas please :)
  10. A

    Do you ever travel long distances to your favourite food and then go back home?

    My friend tells me that sometimes he travels by train to this shop that is 30 minutes away from home to get an Italian doughnut and then he goes back on the train to go home. Do you know anyone that does things similar to this, or do you do this yourself? Tell us about it!
  11. N

    What is you favourite movie series from the following list?

    1. Twilight Saga 2. Bourne 3. Lord of the rings 4. Transformers 5. X-Men So that's it. Five movie serieses different from each other. State why you picked your one if you can. Right..
  12. D

    What are your favourite bird names?

    I need some name ideas for my budgie I am getting. Unisex names.
  13. H

    what are your favourite free apps for blackberry?

    I have a curve and need some new free apps. help!?
  14. Z

    What is your favourite Jodi Picoult book and what's it about?

    I like Vanishing Acts, as all the other ones have the occasional slightly boring character but Vanishing Acts doesn't.
  15. F

    What is your favourite David Bowie song?

    One of my favourites is Candidate off the Diamond Dogs album, I love the lyrics.
  16. E

    Is it weired that i feel as if i'm cheating on my favourite band lol whilst

    listening to other bands lol? I love my favourite band i like to listen to other music too but when i listen to similar bands i miss my favourite band lol and sometimes i even stop the song i was listening to just to hear a song of my favourite band lol i'm weired i know No it's not Rebbecca...
  17. Amilleellllt

    What's your favourite funny youtube video?

    thanks :)
  18. B

    What's your favourite John Grisham book?

    The other day, I found a John Grisham book under my bed (which makes no sense whatsoever considering the fact that I'm 15 and had never picked one of his books up), it's called the Brethren. I started to read it, and I absolutely love it. I'm wondering what your favourite John Grisham book is...
  19. B

    Poll:What is your favourite movie by Brad pitt and Tom cruise ?

    Mine is Troy and War of the world. BQ: What you think about Troy movie
  20. H

    What is your favourite apps on Blackberry App World?

    I just got a few free apps and I think they are awesome! The best thing is that there free :) What are your favourite apps? (: Suggestions for free apps are appreciated :)