
  1. M

    Which anime hair colour is your favourite?

    I love pink and purple! :D
  2. M

    Your all time favourite anime character?

    My favourite is Tenma Tsukamoto, she's such an idiot! X3
  3. E

    whats your favourite recipe when cooking with mandarins?

    I've got a large amount of mandarins sitting in my fridge that no one seems to be eating, but they're perfectly good and I don't want to just throw them away. any ideas? It doesn't have to be quick and easy, I love baking/cooking and always enjoy a challenge. So if you have any mandarin recipes...
  4. D

    Survey#........What is your favourite song by the fray!?

    I love never say never and the introduction to you found me is amazing
  5. B

    Favourite current/childhood anime?

    Nostalgic moment ... I loved Sailor Moon and Digimon :D What's your current favourite anime or childhood favourite ?
  6. 1

    What Were Your Top 2 Favourite Power Rangers Series?

    Mine are: 1. MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS 2. POWER RANGERS IN SPACE You can't beat the original, and I though the in Space concept was great and so were the storylines!
  7. M

    POLL: My favourite drink is _________?

    First answer that guesses mine gets best answer.
  8. H

    What's your favourite anime couple?

    I don't have any but I'd like to know.
  9. K

    Favourite pasta dish?

    I love carbonara- not out of a jar though
  10. Z

    What was your favourite transformation in DBZ?

    For me it was Goku's Supersaiyan 3.
  11. M

    Survey: What is your favourite Disney movie?

    For me it's got to be The Hunchback of Notre Dame or the Little Mermaid.
  12. K

    What's your favourite smoothie recipe?

    I got myself a puree blender pulperiser type thingy and i'm longing to try it out. apart from the novelty of making carrot juice... what other combinations have you found to be surprisingly tasty?
  13. B

    My nephews favourite 'animal' is microscopic & looks a bit like an

    armadillo. Any idea what it is? I've googled smallest etc but I just can't find it ... I need an image to put on a get well soon card Please help
  14. M

    What is your favourite movie of all time?

    My top five: Gone with the Wind The Misfits Some Like it Hot Two for the Road Funny Face Share with me as many as you'd like, and thanks for answering everyone!
  15. M

    What Is Your Least Favourite Naming Trend?

    In the last couple of years there seems to be quite a few naming trends going on (e.g. Hayden/Aiden/Brayden etc). Out of all the 'trends' that you've seen which is your least favourite and why? I'll tell you mine when I choose BA, Victoria
  16. R

    Favourite Killing Joke song/s?

    Heres my top 3 (no order) 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV-cYH8udSk 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1oyfG6t2ew 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtKsK9wxDQA&feature=channel
  17. B

    Favourite QUEEN music video?

    What is your favourite Queen music video? And if you could have been in a Queen music video, which one would you want to be in? And guys, you can's say the Bicycle Race music video. Lol. My favourite video is I'm Going Slightly Mad and that's the video I'd want to be in.
  18. B

    Favourite QUEEN music video?

    What is your favourite Queen music video? And if you could have been in a Queen music video, which one would you want to be in? And guys, you can's say the Bicycle Race music video. Lol. My favourite video is I'm Going Slightly Mad and that's the video I'd want to be in.
  19. S

    What are your FAVOURITE 'LOL jk' pages on Facebook?

    PLease share your favourite 'LOL jks' group on Facebook. My favourite is: Hey baby, i bought you justin's bieber's new cd LOL jk...I bought you a new saucepan
  20. S

    What are your favourite LOL jk pages on FACEBOOK?

    -Can you name/ think of any ones got to do with the lgbt? (eg.jokes, stereotypes) -what is ur favourite one?