
  1. T

    Residents of Glendale & Hollywood, would you do me a favor?

    So I want to go shopping tomorrow. Probably in both Glendale & Hollywood. I want to go to Antique & or Vintage shops to buy Paintings, pots made from adobe, Wooden chairs & bookshelves. If you know of any great stores with fair prices, please reply. I'll layout a few pictures so you can get...
  2. A

    What would be a good favor bag for a 13th birthday mall scavernger hunt?

    My daughter is having a mall scavnger hunt for her 13th birthday, i have no idea what to give the girls as party favors. There will be about 10 girls i dont want to spend alot of money please help!
  3. H

    Ring Tone Websites Por Favor?

    any good websites where i can download free ring tones onto my desktop so i can drag onto my phone when connected?
  4. M

    do you (parents) think you did a huge favor to your kids by giving birth to them?

    or do you kids think your parents did you a huge favor by giving birth to you and you owe them a lot for all the efforts they put into bringing you up. honestly, i've started thinkings its all a load of crap. i've heard my mom saying all my life that i can never repay her for all that she has...
  5. J

    "Feeling chemistry" has never worked in my favor?!? Confused about relationship?

    "Feeling chemistry" has never worked in my favor?!? Confused about relationship? I'm 24 and I've been dating my bf for over a year- he is very close to perfect...he's a good quality guy who's smart, sexy, kind, reliable, honest, etc...however, he's not much of a conversationalist and hes more...
  6. M

    I guess this makes me a poetry troll. Rate this por favor? uh huh uh huh?

    pomposity is a virtue practicality is a vice ideologies galore absorb, absorb, absorb can i please read another inanity? can i please read another witticism? None left to be original all left in the stagnancy of resourcefulness. Breathe deep in this vacuum of dreams and colors, and wait for...
  7. D

    Can you all do me a big favor?

    and vote here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvuOgHum.VZorFLyPyFWfX5lxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090206153921AALmSgs this is my cool FIFA event:D The Medeival(spl lol) World Cup thanks Marco and Bella for voting:D
  8. R

    can you pleaseee do a quick favor(: ?

    Go to AdmiralGirls.com ! its a great site that i am now featured on. My names; Brianna(: -post in the forums as well. thanx so muchh!
  9. E

    Does Jewish dominated Hollywood attempt to mold American thought in favor of Israel?

    In favor of the 'Chosen People'? In favor of Zionism? JJ, Israel didn't exist until 1948. Your answer is irrelevent. Shizzle, excellent post. I wish more Americans could see what you see happening to our USA.
  10. P

    Please answer my question!!! Can u do me a BIG Favor?

    Rate me!! from a scale 1-10 http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cf... i'm the one with the blond hair