
  1. W

    Why do Tyrants like Hitler, Kim Jung il, Fidel Castro, and others favor

    Universal Health Care? Is it so you're at their mercy and have to be loyal due to dependency, or because they care about their citizens?
  2. G

    Hey Dude, I Need You To Do Me a Favor ...

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  3. B

    Do you think this Politician who said, "I am not in favor of gay...

    ...marriage." was upset about the news today? A federal judge ruled on Thursday to allow same-sex couples to marry in California, starting on August 18. Do you think this Politician was upset when he heard the news? "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay...
  4. M

    Why do Conservatives argue in favor of Tax Cuts for the Wealthy; when they clearly

    have damage our economy? Currently the wealthy and corporations are hording their money or investing in overseas yet Conservative continue to defend them, why?
  5. H

    Were men only chivalrous to women in order to curry favor and eventually have sex

    with them? I'm saying in some men the gesture was merely selfish (not all...some were raised to abide by this courtesy) i.e. How many times has a man opened a door for a fat or unattractive woman...think about it. This merely affirms my believe that humans are merely higher evolved animals -...
  6. B

    Will Obama verbally attack the Supreme Court when it doesn't rule in favor of

    Obamacare or Open Borders? http://www.politico.com/blogs/politicolive/0110/Justice_Alitos_You_lie_moment.html
  7. C

    Any truth to the rumor that Barack O will dump Joking Joe in favor of Johnny E?

    They would get rid of one embarassing loud mouth and capture 100% of the metrosexual and homosexual vote.
  8. A

    Would you favor legalizing all drugs like Tobacco/Alcohol?

    It's obvious the legalization of drugs would bankrupt all criminal enterprises, since they don't sell legal drugs like Alcohol, Tobacco, Children's Cough Syrup, Vitamins, and so on... Yet prohibition of substance creates black markets where prices of substances sky rocket, which creates crime...
  9. P

    DC: Will you do me an amazing favor? PLEASE?!?

    "Candy mountain, candy mountain, fill me with sweet sugary goodness!" "Oh, when you’re down and looking for some cheering up Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountain Cave When you get inside you’ll find yourself a cheery land Such a happy, and joyful and perky merry land We’ve got...
  10. P

    DC: Will you do me an amazing favor? PLEASE?!?

    "Candy mountain, candy mountain, fill me with sweet sugary goodness!" "Oh, when you’re down and looking for some cheering up Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountain Cave When you get inside you’ll find yourself a cheery land Such a happy, and joyful and perky merry land We’ve got...
  11. W

    Do me a favor?! :) Guys and girls welcomed lol.?

    Rate me yeah? My boyfriend said I'm a 7 or an 8.. His best friend said I'm a 6 or a 7.... So rate? 1 - 10 scale. Thank you! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs466.ash1/25573_383422827658_552907658_4092756_5764569_n.jpg...
  12. B

    Can you guys please do me a favor please? Not hard, but it means a lot. (:?

    Ok, Well I'm in 7th Grade and there is this one girl at my school in 6th grade Named Abby that had cancer. It went away but its back again. She is such a sweet girl so i wondering if yall could PLEASE PRAY FOR HER. Shes not my best friend or anything but she is going through a real hard time and...
  13. C

    Are there interest groups that favor wire tapping?

    I'm writing a a paper for my political science class, of which we were asked to focus on wire tapping and include interest groups that opposed and favored wire tapping
  14. D

    Can someone do me a favor? Please? Pretty please?

    My office at work blocks any URLS that have to do with games. I already copied my Diner Dash game from the original CD at home, put it on my USB, and copied it to my PC here. The thing is, it's now asking me for a LICENSE and I don't currently have it. It's at home :-@ and I don't have...
  15. C

    Were Homo floresiensis alive today, would you be in favor of slavery?

    Homo floresiensis, also known as the "hobbit" was a species of hominid, 3ft tall, that lived on the small island of Flores in Indonesia until a volcano destroyed the species 13,000 years ago. They were a completely separate species from humans, but they buried their dead ritualistically and...
  16. M

    Has Hollywood influenced people to favor interracial marriage more ?

    What do you think ?
  17. F

    Can some one do me a favor about getting a free computer from the internet?

    If you go to youtube.com and type free computer or something they have videos on it and even a video of NBC or CNN news i think that shows its legit but I have tried it and I honestly don't have a clue. I tried it like twenty times already but I dont know so I was hoping someone would do it for...
  18. J

    Does the Venus vs Earth comparison favor the AGW proponents' argument, or the...

    ...AGW skeptics' argument? An AGW proponent pointed out in an add-on to a recent question that Venus' atmospheric CO2 concentration is 96.5% and that Venus' surface temperature is over 870 degrees F. That equates to 2,539 times the Earth's atmospheric CO2 concentration of 0.038%. And it...
  19. P

    Are you in favor of government spending our taxes to own and run formerly...

    ...private businesses like AIG and GMC? Government has no money of their own, they take it from citizens. So if the citizens own AIG and GMC, shouldn't all decisions about how its run be put to a popular vote in special elections?
  20. D

    Would you favor tax hikes to increase economic growth?

    Tax hikes generally don't promote growth. At best they're growth neutral, as they pull money out of one sector of the economy and funnel it into another. But spending cuts also put drag on the economy, which supply-side mythologists like to ignore.