
  1. V

    True or false? The red herring fallacy occurs when it is argued that someone's

    position should be rejected...? The red herring fallacy occurs when it is argued that someone's position should be rejected because it stinks.
  2. K

    Poll: True o False ......We comlicate things....?

    then figure them out .... to feel intelligent
  3. E

    True or false? A contrast between two things is a kind of analogy?

    Why is it true or false?
  4. G

    True or False: The craziest people come to Polls and Surveys?

    True for my answer...the Crazies, the Eccentrics and the Cool people come to this section! :D
  5. G

    True or False: You used to watch Mister Rogers' Neighbourhood when you were a child?

    True for me! :D
  6. I

    Creationists, true or false?

    Minor variations in animals that eventually lead to a diversity in animal life is a fairy tale. But an evil snake getting a women to eat an apple from a tree and causing our problems is reality.
  7. T

    Hospital coding help true or false?

    1. internal and external injuries are always code. 2. when coding for accidents,an E codes is used in the primary position followed by the resulting condition.
  8. G

    Question: True or False?

    'Nothing pre-dates Christianity, you have no proof text for this. Christianity goes right back to historical Eden.'
  9. M

    Will entering false information for netflix free trial be legal?

    Its too get virtual money for a site, (Please save your nagging) If i enter false information, and it goes through, its a free subscription, im never gonna go on the account again, will that be legal, and do you think there will be any consequences? and im getting the info from here...
  10. A

    Paradise Lost discusses Man's inability to control his own life. True or False?

    I am stumped on if he's referring to man or Adam as mankind, he talks about in Book III which takes place in heaven, that he had free will but in books I & II it takes place in Hell and Satan determines the course of actions going on.
  11. K

    True or False: You have a crude sense of humor?

    True Crude = Vulgar...
  12. M

    True or false: You love Judaism and Christianity and Islam?

    Emphasis on the 'and' s. Emphasis on the religions not the followers of that religion, i.e. you love those three religions.
  13. DrDeanCrosby

    The Most Popular FALSE TEACHING In Churches

    The most common criticism of Christian churches is "a bunch of hypocrites go there".Of course such a condemnation is born from anger and God rejection.A much more accurate criticism is "a bunch of deceived people go there".Most church attendees are so entrenched in their practice of ignoring...
  14. T

    True OR False: People that talk loud on their bluetooth while looking at nothing

    are attention w.h.o.r.e.s.? I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!!!
  15. I

    ucmj... slander or faLse rumors?

    Hi, I was hoping somebody could help me figure out what could happen to somebody in the military for spreading false rumors that could be very damaging to someone's career? To sum up the whole of the story, there is a certain individual (who is an e-2) at my command who has been pushing...
  16. M

    True or False: This has happened to you at school before? lol?

    You won't believe what happened to me the other day. I was in class the other day and I had decent sized chubby pretty much all period. I think my professor noticed me trying to hide, but at the same time trying to play with it. He kept looking at me all period. I got harder and harder each...
  17. T

    How We Can Benefit From False Memories

    "False memories tend to get a bad rap," says developmental psychologist Mark L. Howe, of Lancaster University in England. Indeed, remembering events incorrectly or remembering events that didn't happen can have grave consequences, such as the criminal conviction of an innocent person. "But false...
  18. V

    What is the difference between Anti Christ and False Prophet?

    Do they do the same functions? How are they represented in modern times?
  19. S

    Prove an erection rumor true or false.?

    I have allergies and my sinuses are sensitive to chemicals in my environment. This messes with my ability to concentrate and also I feel its affecting my erections and how long I can attain them. My brother swears that after he uses Visine (in his eyes) (not kidding) that his erections are...
  20. T

    True or False: You've worn bell-bottom jeans before?

    *BQ - Jimi Hendrix or Bob Dylan?