
  1. S

    Introduction to business True or False?

    1. In economic decision making, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of all your alternatives. 2. Profit does NOT include the cost of running a business 3. Profit is the only reason people start and operate businesses. 4. The right to buy and sell an automobile is an...
  2. S

    Introduction to business true or false 2?

    1. A coal company is an example of a manufacturer 2. A business which makes automobile tires is an example of a extractor 3. A beauty salon is an example of a service business 4. The money spent by a business in a community multiplies as it is spent again by the employees and businesses...
  3. S

    True OR False? Al Gorê is leaving because Tippêr wouldn't?

    pull a Lewinsky? He's been fantasizing about it for over a decade, the AP article said...Even bought some Cubans...
  4. A

    Methodists ONLY PLEASE how do you know for certain your religion isn't false?

    Hello, I'm not saying they are false, I'm just asking how they know they aren't ....
  5. I

    2012 a joke right? or true or false?

    you all heard the history of the mayan calendar, but these (no longer existing people) are not God so why do people believe them about the so-called "end times" in 2012, the end times are clearly written in the scriptures of the bible and not on some ancient calendar by a ancient tribe of...
  6. R

    Clairvoyance, What is your thoughts? Is it true or false.?

    I have had clairvoyant moments since I was seven. I was just wondering if anyone else here has had some. If so, how was the detail? Was there sound? Please, SENSIBLE ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!!
  7. G

    False Pearls before Real Swine

    "In today's lecture, I will be casting false pearls before real swine" ... I won't tell you who said that, but when he did say it, he was in front of a classroom of several hundred Harvard freshmen, and he was referring to the idea of telling little white lies to the unwashed masses in order...
  8. T

    Study Finds Mammograms Detect Few Cancers, Produce Many False Positives In Younger Wo

    Mammograms detect few breast cancers in women younger than age 40 and often lead to more tests and unwarranted anxiety because of false positives, according to a study published Monday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Reuters reports. For the study, radiologist Bonnie Yankaskas...
  9. K

    Jehovah witnesses what do you understand by the term false prophecy?

    On Y/A the watchtower is often accused of false prophecy, and the jehovah wintesses tend to ignore the statements and quotes we dispaly indicating of events they prohpesied but did not come true often they said some of the apostels got things wrong, but i never knew a postle to make a prophetic...
  10. C

    Well guess those rumors were false?

    Because once again Batista is #1 contender. This crap was old a long time ago WWE time to move on. Edge's involvement in the match is a nice breath of fresh air though.
  11. B

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false?

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false If it is true, prove it using mathematical induction; if it is false give a counterexample. Thank you for your help and I will give points.
  12. B

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false?

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false If it is true, prove it using mathematical induction; if it is false give a counterexample. Thank you for your help and I will give points.
  13. 2

    When reading Bible, would it be advisable that I ignore all the false...

    ...prophecies? Look for true ones? Yeah, I can look for true ones, but what about the false prophecies? As an example: Ezekiel 29:10. And I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate. No foot of man shall pass through it. It shall be uninhabited for forty years. How about this...
  14. FAIL

    Does anyone know of a website that argues that Global Warming is false?

  15. FAIL

    Does anyone know of a website that argues that Global Warming is false?

  16. T

    Seegene READ PCR Study Finds High Rate Of False Negatives Among Current Tests For Tub

    The first clinical studies comparing an innovative READ (Real Amplicon Detection) PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology against established real-time PCR tests for tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) found the next-generation READ technology comparable for detecting...
  17. H

    Laws against false rumours?

    are there any laws which protect students against false sexual rumours spread about them? or any action that can be taken besides the school.
  18. B

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false?

    Is ?n ? Z, 3 | (n³ - 7n +3), n >= 0 true or false If it is true, prove it using mathematical induction; if it is false give a counterexample. Thank you for your help and I will give points.
  19. S

    Psychic rumor I've heard. True or False?

    I was born with blue eyes. Steel Blue eyes. Through the middle of my elementary days in school, I was told I had Green eyes. Later as I entered high school, I got sayings of "Grey", "Green", and "Blue". It was only about 2-3 years ago in which my mom looked at my eyes and saw a brown ring...
  20. M

    answer true or false, thnk u!?

    True or false: 1. the work done by the gravity does not depend on the path along which an object is taken. 2. mechanical power increases wen the velocity with which the body is pulled increases. 3.when a constant external force acts on the body, its momentum also remains constant. 4.when the...