
  1. N

    How current events have influenced fashion ? [clothing , style ,fashion]?

    How current events have influenced fashion ? [clothing , style ,fashion]? EX the royal wedding ===> influenced fashion by the style of hats
  2. G

    Rutherford Innovation Showcase events to bring international speakers to New Zealand

    The Rutherford Innovation Showcase is shaping up to be a must attend event with a host of international tech stars and visitors due to descend on New Zealand's technology scene.
  3. G

    NASA Sets Launch Coverage Events for Mission to Jupiter

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- NASA's Juno spacecraft is set to launch toward Jupiter aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on Aug. 5. The launch window extends from 11:34 a.m. to 12:33 p.m. EDT (8:34 to 9:33 a.m. PDT), and the launch period extends through Aug. 26. The spacecraft is...
  4. T

    Hypertensive Patients With CAD Risk Increase Of Adverse Events With Long-Term NSAID U

    A study published in the July issue of The American Journal of Medicine, reports that among hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease, chronic self-reported use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was associated with an increased risk of adverse events during long-term...
  5. A

    All-Star events also include chain gang with illegal immigrants

    Dust storms! Immigration law protestors!*Gold baseballs! Heat! If those unusual All-Star Game features weren't enough, check out this news: Joe Arpaio, the grandstanding and controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, plans to show up at Chase Field with a chain gang that will pick up trash...
  6. A

    UFC adding flyweight division and all main events will be five rounders

    The UFC rolled out two big news items on Thursday. During Dana White's talk with the media following the UFC 131 prefight press conference, he revealed that the flyweight division is on the way some time before the end of 2011 and that all UFC main events, following UFC 133, will be...
  7. N

    I need an interesting topic about worldly events within the past two years?

    i need something interesting, but something not so common mainly interested in war things and i also need to be able to get a decent amount of info on it please and thankyou!
  8. E

    Any know whats a good SLR camera to use for events such as Boxing,MMA,Weddings?

    Have a rebel t2i but i know i need a upgrade by looking around any suggestions?
  9. M

    what are major events in the scarlet letter?

    please serious answers only thanks 10 points for the most events
  10. X

    What were 7 major events in the life of Abraham Lincoln?

    Just list them, please. I don't need a huge description. Anything longer than a few sentences for each is a no-go. I'll do the researching myself. Thanks! (: I don't have time to go to a library.
  11. X

    What were 7 major events in the life of Abraham Lincoln?

    Just list them, please. I don't need a huge description. Anything longer than a few sentences for each is a no-go. I'll do the researching myself. Thanks! (: I don't have time to go to a library.
  12. C

    What three main events lead to the climax of "the bell jar"?

    I need help for a report I need to know about the book"the bell jar"
  13. G

    A lighthearted joke to ease grief about the tragic events in Japan?

    The recent tragic events in Japan has made me a little depressed. In order to feel better, I watched Godzilla in reverse. It turned out to be a story about a giant lizard who helps rebuild a demolished Tokyo and moonwalks into the ocean. In all seriousness, please text REDCROSS to 90999 in...
  14. C

    How are the Pokemon Mall Tour events held?

    I need a fateful encounter Celebi and the only way to obtain it currently is through the US Mall Tour event, but I'm not sure what to do or where to go, can someone help me out?
  15. G

    Is there a way to get your email calender events on your cell phone?

    Yes, hi. On my yahoo mail I have a calender, which i put all my events..its easier for me to do. Is there a way when i check my email on my phone, which the samsung touch its pink, I click on my email on my phone then click on my calender and it brings me to my calender on my phpne which as none...
  16. T

    What are some historical events in the era the novel, Wicked by Gregory

    Maguire, was written in? I am doing a project for my AP English class and for this I need to list some historical events that may have affected the way Gregory Maguire wrote "Wicked: The life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West" (published in 1995). I definitely got images of Holocaust...
  17. J

    (Students only please) When it comes to current events, what topics are

    you most interested in? I am continuing work for a school project. Most students today get their news online, or on comedy central, but not watching a network news production like NBC nightly news or something. What would you say you look for if at all for current events or news? What...
  18. J

    Prediction Poll: Which of these events is more likely to happen first?

    1) Peace in the Middle East 2) Hollywood only releasing quality movies or 3) Politicians doing the right thing? As always, more details increase your chances for Best Answer, if that sort of thing matters to you. lol Thanks.
  19. J

    How do current events in Egypt fit into the prophecy of Revelations?

    I am familiar with some of the Christian prophecy. I am not familiar with all of the events that are to take place before and during the time of tribulation. I am also not sure of which events predicted have already occurred or the ones soon to come. I am wondering if anyone could answer those...
  20. J

    Your top 5 UFC events?

    i jus wanns know what UFC events you think were the best