
  1. J

    Think You Can Pass This Pop Quiz On Current Events?

    Ladies and gentlemen, time for a pop quiz... Just to make sure that you are up to speed on current events, first question. Ready? Which national leader this week demanded the power to seize businesses he says are failing? Was it Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's thug dictator; Barack Obama...
  2. J

    What historical events inluenced some of Beethoven's music?

    Please include the piece name and the event. thank you!
  3. M

    Did everyone manage to play nicely on Current Events last night?

    I wasn't on last night. What is this suggs board? Is it fun?! haberdashermaid - it just seemed to be a suggestions board. Is it a nasty place like CE can be?!
  4. H

    Do people tend to see the negative in people, events, leaders,visions whatever?

    Rather than the positive. Or am I just losing my optimism Cassius Melissa and twenty Really you think there is so much to be negative about. Without sounding like Polly bloody Anna isn't that like really draining and soul destroying to lose hope like that? Grossly underestimating yourself (lol)...
  5. P

    Current events in latin america?

    I have to find 4 articles on latin american (middle & south america) current events and write a 1/2 page on them each. I'm have a very hard time finding articles in english in depth enough to write a 1/2 page on, any article suggestions?
  6. T

    Shouldn't Sri Lanka be wary of sporting events in India in light of new...

    ...credible terror threats? Compounded by the fact that India has not arrested or prosecuted any of the known links from India that participated in Mumbai. This can also be said for known links to the LTTE. To the cricketers I say that we were very...
  7. L

    what are some violent/tragic events that have happened this past year?

    I need to write a paper that demonstrates the "evil" in mankind. or how humans are evil naturally. any major events from this PAST year. not like 10 years ago. this needs to be recent. thank you!!!!!! things such as killings or kidnappings... seriously? no political stuff please.
  8. B

    Tragic events in 2008-2009 in the US?

    The Caylee Anthony murder - link:,0,3157747.htmlpage Man who tossed his children off bridge - link: Plane crash in upstate New York - link:
  9. J

    I have 4 current events:?

    (I'm trying to do a survey about how many historical events repeat themselves and if the same area or just globally.) 1) President Chavez orders navy to Venezuela’s seaports (for Latin America) 2) President of Guinea-Bissau Assassinated (Africa) 3) Unemployment passes two million (Europe in...
  10. M

    Does anyone know if JLS are going to do anymore of their meet and greet events?

    i really wanna meet jls in person pleas let me know where i can meet them
  11. C

    Current Events Category?

    I know we should be ignoring the 'little problem' in this category but is anyone else getting annoyed at the amount of non current event questions currently being 'asked' on here? Is there anything Yahoo can do about it?
  12. M

    Is there any website where you get paid for winning news events?

    I mean say New Zealand and India are playing test series, who would win? Can we bet saying that India will win or NewZealand will win. Betting on news events
  13. H

    Examples of revenge or vengeance in resent events around the world?

    im trying to do a project on revenge...and i need examples that connect it to todays im looking for current events that people used revenge..ect ect. if you could help me would be muchhhhly appreciated! :]
  14. R

    Castaway Current Events?

    Can you help me find any events in history about castaways? All it comes up on google is sims 2 castaway. Please help!
  15. O

    united states current events?

    i need some current events in the united states no celebrity stuff please.
  16. M

    Regarding the "Naked Bike Ride" events, why don't the riders get arrested for

    Regarding the "Naked Bike Ride" events, why don't the riders get arrested for indecent exposure? Not only is it incredibly stupid for the idiots to do such a thing, but why don't they get arrested? I mean, it's exactly the same as some perv exposing himself out in public, but these idiots are...
  17. P

    Does anyone know about current events?

    Does anyone know about current events? I take a current events class and i need to write a 2 paragraph essay on a current event the thing is i dont know what to do so if anyone knows any websites that talk about current events please respond! Thank you :)
  18. H

    Why has Current events been flooded. Where do these refugees come from?

    With lots of new users . Duchess u sound so mature at times! Shambo U R scaring me !
  19. H

    Why is current events so like comfortable?

    and suggs board makes me feel so unwelcome?
  20. J

    Why is UFC 100 at the Mandalay Bay events center and not the MGM Grand Garden Arena?

    Doesn't the UFC usually have most of their shows at the MGM? Is the Mandalay Bay bigger than the MGM?