
  1. J

    Do iPhone 3G's scratch easily?

    I want to get one but the one I use now (2G) I don't use a cover on it..but then again, it is stainless steel
  2. B

    Why did michael phelps admit that he was smoking marijuana? he could of easily...

    ...denied it. it wasn't provable!!? just shows what an idiot he is with the exception of when it comes to swimming dshitting a bong a few times isnt gonna show up 28 days later- maybe 5 days
  3. A

    how do you stop a rumor easily?

    Ok some guy named jack started a rumor about me and said that i like this guy but i hate him and some guy was like admit it everyone knows you like him but i dont so HELP!!!
  4. A

    how do you stop a rumor easily?

    Ok some guy named jack started a rumor about me and said that i like this guy but i hate him and some guy was like admit it everyone knows you like him but i dont so HELP!!!
  5. P

    how can you get skinny and easily?

    wanna be uber uber skinny and im totally untoned, even though i walk most days and lift weights to tone my arms etc. i have a muscular kind of body so yeah. not sure.
  6. T

    How to eat healthy easily?

    I'm 22 yrs old, 5'7" and 195 pds, so needless to say I need help with healthy eating. I have tried fad diets and I know they do not work, I need some tips on how to eat healthy every day. I like vegetables a lot and many different kinds of ethnic cuisine. I'm not very good at cooking, but I can...
  7. D

    How can satellites fall to earth so easily without bouncing off of the atmosphere?

    In Apollo 13 the space shuttle had to hit the atmosphere at just the right angle in order to avoid bouncing off of it. Why is it that a man-made satellite can fall to earth and manage to penetrate the atmosphere without a problem but for a space shuttle its more complicated?
  8. Q

    How do I lock a bike with two easily removable wheels?

    They have mounts that can be unscrewed and can easily remove both wheels. http://i39.tinypic.com/2m65xcp.jpg How do I lock both sides so they won't be stolen?
  9. Q

    How do I lock a bike with two easily removable wheels?

    They have mounts that can be unscrewed and can easily remove both wheels. http://i39.tinypic.com/2m65xcp.jpg How do I lock both sides so they won't be stolen?
  10. A

    What's the word when you pick up on things easily.?

    LIke, when you can easily tell when people are joking, that kind of thing. For instance, a friend is playing a joke on you and someone else. You pick up on it almost instantly while the other person takes a while to figure it out... what's that called. Sorry for the pathetic attempt to explain...
  11. M

    If i cant fall asleep easily, should i go to bed early or late?

    so for the past week and a half i cant fall asleep very easily at all...even tho i wake up at 6 am i cant seem to fall asleep until 12 or 1 am every night. so im wondering if i should go to bed around 10 pm and read until like 10:30 and try to sleep or wait until 12 am and try to sleep then? if...
  12. U

    Bike to go easily on LA Subway/Train/Bike Carrying Bus System?

    The biggest pain appears to be carting the bikes up & down the escalators. What size is best? Is there a little bike out there that is great for this? I need the bike to be able to go decent distances as well so 10 speed or more required. Please! Help me! I can come up with brilliant...
  13. M

    Not Easily Broken Movie Download? Hollywood Movie Not Easily Broken Movie Online?

    please tell me perfect place buddy?
  14. O

    How can I easily differentiate between a 2006 Nissan Pathfinder and a 2005 Nissan...

    ...Pathfinder? How can I easily differentiate between a 2006 Nissan Pathfinder and a 2005 Nissan Pathfinder?
  15. T

    What is the name of the song at the end of the not easily broken movie trailer?

    i want to know the name of the song at the end of the trailer i thought the name is yeah but im not sure