
  1. J

    Dumbest rumor youve heard about yourself?

    Just curious._.
  2. K

    What is the dumbest rumor you have ever heard about yourself?

    This might be interesting. :)
  3. V

    Monday Madness: 10 Dumbest Girls on Facebook

    [No message]
  4. T

    dumbest rumor you've heard about yourself?

    I once got into a fight with a girl, I hit her and she didn't even get me but the next day she told everyone she beat me up and threw me down the stairs. Of course everyone believed her even though I wasn't injured at all.
  5. U

    POLL: What's the dumbest thing you did involving alcohol?

    i remember mixing up four loco, ciroc, and listerine together
  6. G

    This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t kno

    This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t kno This Is the Dumbest and Most Awesome Way to Light a Bonfire By Eric Limer I don’t know who thought this was a good idea, but they were sort of*right, in an extremely dangerous way. These clowns decided...
  7. R

    Dumbest rumor you've ever heard about yourself?

    in fifth grade, people were saying i was home-schooled......but i went to school... xD
  8. P

    what are some of the dumbest things peta has whined about/done?

    i know that they b--ched about the cartoony video game "super meat boy" because the main character was a cube of meat. even thought he was just a boy without skin rather than animal meat. and i know they whined to sesame street because sesame street showed chickens laying eggs naturally which...
  9. G

    Slate's Dumbest Inventions Ever List Includes Beating Breasts. You know, For Kids [Wt

    Ladies and gentlemen, these are our ancestor's Billy Mays infomercial products. Judge them lightly, but laugh heartily, for in 50 years' time our great grandkids will laugh openly at our version of the Beating Breast baby sleeping aide. More »
  10. S

    Is Charlie Sheen one of the smartest man is hollywood or the dumbest?

    I never kept up with any of the Charlie Sheen stuff until one day there was a Special on and i couldn't find anything else to watch. As i watched it , i found it very interesting. From what i got out of it he says everything he is doing from the web cast videos and the interviews are all part of...
  11. P

    If you haven't met the dumbest person on earth, may I introduce you?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_A5gErfFG4 Let the violations begin!!! Again. LOL
  12. N

    What is the dumbest question in Y/A Martial Arts?

    I am curious what people on here have just laughed at include the dumbest answers they ever read? PS. If you want to say this one go ahead but in all reality I would like to hear others. Thanks.
  13. N

    What is the dumbest question in Y/A Martial Arts?

    I am curious what people on here have just laughed at include the dumbest answers they ever read? PS. If you want to say this one go ahead but in all reality I would like to hear others. Thanks.
  14. E

    Why are we arguing over the dumbest crap?

    So my friend and I (whom we have been casually hanging out here and there since last november, and whom I like) we often get in the dumbest fights over the dumbest reasons. For instance today, I was teasing her after she said "Im studying." I said "Lol are you studying for the midterm for your...
  15. L

    RANT!!! Why do people block you for the DUMBEST reasons on here?!?

    Some girl asked a question asking if this one girl got plastic surgery, and I put a link about it in an answer and she blocked me for no reason and now I can't see the question! What a freaking idiot.
  16. J

    What are the dumbest, funniest, or cutest questions someone has ever asked you?

    The funniest question I ever heard so far was, "I MADE JESUS SHAPED PANCAKES AND I BURNED THEM, AM I GOING TO HELL?" I want some questions I can ask this kid in school, last week Friday in Keyboarding class he googled dumbest questions ever and he spent the whole class period playing...
  17. S

    Whats the dumbest baby name youve ever heard (non celebrity)?

    Whats the dumbest baby name youve heard from someone in real life. Not counting celebrities. Mine are: Tearsa Joy (girl) & Brenyetta (boy)
  18. H

    POLL: Dumbest celebrity ever?

    It can be any kind of celebrity, such as an actor/actress, sports star, politician, etc. It doesn't matter who you choose, as long as they are some kind of celebrity. I choose Paris Hilton. LOL
  19. E

    What celeb has chosen the dumbest childrens' names?

    Celebs are so self-important, they think they are too good for names like "John" and "Jane"
  20. B

    Why do so many people believe the dumbest conspiracy theories, like Zeitgeist?

    That movie is just a mix of lies, and half-truth. The religion part is full of obvious BS, the other two parts also contain HUGE lies. Although the movie was very well done, very manipulating. Do you believe in Zeitgeist? If so, take a look at my source. I found this website a few days ago, this...