
  1. A

    Is it true if you are dreaming of someone there thinking or dreaming about you also?

    well i got this cool facxt thing and it says if you dream about someone they thought of you is that a fact or just something people like to belive?
  2. L

    Dreaming Of My Dead Aunt...?

    My Aunt Died When I Was Young. Like The Single Digit Age Range. I Am Now 24 Yrs Old. In My Dream, I Came From Upstairs To Go On My Laptop In The Living Room. The Dining Room Light Was On and The Living Room Light Was Off. I Sat In The Same Spot Where I Normally Sit and My Cousin Was Sitting Up...
  3. L

    dreaming of someone i like, has found out i like them?

    okai so really like this guy at college...and i know he has a girlfriend in a different country... but last night i had a dream i got to know him and someone told him i liked him as i walked into the room when he was told it...and he looked at me ...i felt guilty .... and wanted to run. i didnt...
  4. M

    dreaming about kids in cages ?

    i had a dream about this large 4 or 5 story shed or warehouse type thing which contained rows and rows of children locked up in cells. i was also locked up in a cement prision cell type thing with metal bars. the other children were younger than me and sounded really distressed. some were crying...
  5. X

    Why am I dreaming about smoking, drinking, etc?

    I had a dream last night that I was smoking (cigarettes and pot) and that I was drinking beer. I've never smoked in my entire life and I've had champagne like once. The only way I can possibly relate the dream to anything that happened recently is that a kid in my section in band smokes crack...
  6. T

    Is lucid dreaming on a almost daily basis normal?

    It's very rare that I don't have a dream where I don't know I'm dreaming mainly because I dream about people and things that don't exist or at least I don't know. If I have a dream about myself i know it's not real. Once in a while I will have a self realistic dream where I thought it happened.
  7. J

    I keep dreaming about the guy I like a lot?

    Night after night, I keep dreaming about him. In a lot of these dreams it's not like the kind where you hook up and it's a dream come true. He's sometimes just there! haha to my knowledge I have never had a dream about a guy I've liked. But for weeks on end now he's been in them. I get that if...
  8. N

    Why do I keep dreaming about him?

    I am always having dreams about this guy i known for 3 years. I like him a lot and sometimes i wonder if he ever felt the same but anyways even when i forgot about him i always end up dreaming about us kissing or being together.. One time i forgot about him and i had a dream of us kissing and...
  9. S

    Dreaming of my period?

    in my dream i wake up and go to the loo and my panty liner is full of blood so i remove it and even my panties are full of blood, the panties in my dream were the ones i was actually wearing... Does this have anything to do with pregnancy? :-/
  10. L

    Dreaming about Whales, what does it mean?

    So last night I had a dream I was down by a boardwalk next to the ocean doing some photography and suddenly a group of people came rushing by, curious to know what's going on I joined the group and looked over the railing to see a whale swimming by but I noticed a massive flesh wound on the...
  11. G

    I have been dreaming of this woman?

    Like twice already in a week. She looked like someone I know in my elementary days. In my dream, she liked to be touched a lot. It was a bit sensual. And I don't know who this woman is. And as regards that someone I know from my elementary days, I have not the slightest attraction to her. It...
  12. S

    I day dream alot & i think when i am dreaming asleep or awak i can see things ?

    i think i can see things that will happen to me its just the time i dont know when..
  13. N

    I Keep Dreaming Of Having A Baby Girl!?

    i keep dreaming of having a baby girl, not being pregnant, but holding her and she is ALWAYS called Mia! i am NOT pregnant! any idea what this means? thank you!
  14. S

    In hopes of dreaming (or lucid dreaming)...?

    Is it good or bad to listen to music? And if it's good, what kind? Something I like or something peaceful?
  15. B

    Help with lucid dreaming please?

    EVERY time i try and fall asleep and focus on the ipnotic imagery i feel like my eye are opeaning and it keeps me awake
  16. S

    Why do i keep dreaming about this?

    I keep dreaming about my ex girlfriend, we dated couple years ago twice, both times were only about 2-3 weeks, we never kissed or anything, she treated me like crap basically, she was probably cheating on me, i used to really like her, but now i pretty much hate her. so i dont know where these...
  17. C

    Why do i keep dreaming about zombies!!?

    I've been watching that show "The Walking Dead" on AMC but it has been going on since before that...what does this mean? Last night's dream: Me and my grandpa were out hunting in the country (which we do frequently, and I can remember some of the hunt, if that matters?), and we were on our way...
  18. O

    I keep dreaming about teeth, help?

    I had 3 dreams that I remember last night. The first one I was fishing, and caught this huge fish that was half crocodile. It had the front legs, bumpy skin, and the head, but it had a huge fish tail in the back. It bit me when I tried to take the hook out of its mouth but the teeth weren’t very...
  19. S

    I Love My very close male friend. Dreaming about him...?

    I had a dream about him we were arguing in the car But our arguements always go from bad to laughing at each other like in my dream. I was rudely awaken by him calling my cell phone. asking me to do him a favor. Isn't that weird i was dreaming about him and he was the one to wake me up from that...
  20. C

    Why am I frequently dreaming about throwing up tar?

    It seems like every other night I start dreaming about something normal (like going for a walk or sitting in my room) when I suddenly start vomiting this thick, black, tar-like substance. I start clawing at my mouth and throat, but I can never get it all out. Vomiting is not new to me - A few...