
  1. B

    Dreaming of being stepped on while sleeping?

    I had a dream that I was sleeping and got trampled by people
  2. W

    Dreaming of a particular person? Why?

    Background info: So about 6 months ago I met a guy at a friends house warming. He showed an interest in me. There is something so unique about him, never met anyone else like him. I will admit I am insanely curious about him and have been trying to organize with my friend to invite him to things...
  3. S

    Why am I dreaming of familiar strangers?

    It's only been girls that I met once, but don't know a thing about them beside their names. They all end up doing somethig in my dream. It first starting out with them seducing me, flirting, etc as they go on they get worst. I was stabbed at one point. Why am I dreaming of these people I...
  4. J

    What does it mean when you keep dreaming about a celebrity?

    I'm 13 years old and I keep having dreams about Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior. I never been to one of their concerts and never met them in person. I watch them on youtube ALOT but in my dreams we do couple stuff. I'm so confuse
  5. F

    Lucid dreaming... Dreams seem to merge with real life.?

    I have always had extremely vivid dreams. I usually have 2-3 dreams a night. Usually the last one I can remember though often time I can remember 2 or all of them. I've always loved my dreams even scary ones because they are always very real feeling. Since i was 7 or 8 i've been lucid dreaming i...
  6. M

    Dreaming of the same person frequently?

    About three months ago I had a massive cluster of dreams about this one boy. It's very rare that I dream about people I know, and if I do they're usually unclear, out of my vision, or in the background. But this guy has always been clear, and we've always had sex or been close and protective in...
  7. R

    what does it mean dreaming of a black crow?

    i just had this dream this morning im trippin out what it could mean i was outside we some people it looked like a picnic table all of a sudden a BLACK CROW comes and comes right at me the crows beak was very big and starts picking at me !! and im tryna kick it off and it'll still come back! im...
  8. C

    Was this Lucid Dreaming ?

    I was in my Elementary School, but with my current friends. When I was sitting around, I saw my friend going out. And I joint her. (We were asked to buy meal for teacher). In the middle of our way, we saw a food seller (not restaurant). Then, we bought it. I bought it then eat it. It was so...
  9. L

    Dreaming about being raped, is this normal?

    I often dream about being raped, which is horrible! I've been dreaming about this ever since I was a little girl. Does it mean anything?
  10. J

    Last time I fainted I seen a crash, I thought I was dreaming, is this...

    ...normal & does it mean anything? I always faint after i get needles and every other time, I've just woken up not known what's happened, but this time when i woke up i remembered seeing a truck drive into an electricity pole. I woke up asking about the truck. and a while after that i had a...
  11. M

    why do i keep dreaming i'm shorter than everyone, when im actually 6 foot 3?

    i've been having the same dream about every other day for the past 3 weeks or so... does ANYONE possibly know what this means??? i get shorter and shorter in every dream.
  12. W

    lucid dreaming of the future?

    i had a dream i was about 34-35 and in this dream i had a daughter she was so clear and she asked me " daddy what can we do for my birthday" and i couldn't answer her as i was using a machine to help me breathe as i was dying due to some disease related to the fact i have smoked since i was 14...
  13. K

    Dreaming that crystals were falling out of my hair?

    Like when I touched or scratched my hair small crystals would fall. And everyone was around me. Also does it mean anything if you dream that your parents are really angry at you for no reason Like my mom refused to talk or even look at me. When Im nice, my dad gets really mad for no reason, only...
  14. M

    Sometimes when i'm dreaming, i actually know i'm dreaming! I had a dream not

    long ago, where i was actually...? looking around in my dream at the (somewhat weird) landscape around me and thought to myself..wow my heads created all this this is cool i can do what i want and its not even real! i actually found it quite amusing that i had realized this in my dream. I have...
  15. F

    what does dreaming about eating lots of food mean?

    ive had a few dreams where im eating alot of food, its usually a buffet setting, and im usually surrounded by close friends and family. its usually a social thing, and i read something about dreams about food can be for sexual reasons? i am not actively sexual, actually im still a virgin, but i...
  16. C

    when does it mean when im always dreaming of a great guy?

    Im always dreaming that i meet these great guys (that i dont know ) and have a good relashionships... ive been single for about 3 years now .. im a single parent of 2 kids and the past bfs i had were mess ups drugies dead beats ... all i want is a good relashionship with a great guy : ( so im...
  17. R

    Dreaming i was on tour in tuscany?

    a guy was advertising the tour in tuscany, but we were actually there.First we were dissapointed to see a dried up muddy river.But then i saw a perfectly shaded long tuscan tree [cypress] half light half shade,perfect for drawing. Then i saw far off in the distance an incredible sort of...
  18. C

    About dreaming the same dream 3 times?

    My sister told me that she has had a dream that I get jumped and hend up in the hospitle she has had it 3 nights in a row. What does it mean
  19. R

    Sensible? Or an I dreaming and being incredibly stupid?

    Obviously as a teenage (Im 17) horse-loving girl I would love a horse of my own. I've had experience with horses in the past: lessons for a few years before helping out friends with their horses (both stabled and field kept, and a range of cobs and TBs/TBxs). My dad has been driving me round...
  20. T

    New Native Theatre's The Dreaming Bundle with Rhiana Yazzie - Dec 14,2010

    The Martha Fast Horse Show: Monday 12/13/10 @ 10:00 p.m. CST Producer & Host: Martha Fast Horse (Sicangu Lakota) Special Guest: Rhiana Yazzie (Dine'/Navajo) Featured Song: "The Soup Song" by Lyz Jaakola Anouncing: The Dreaming Bundle: A play about dreams conceived and directed by Rhiana Yazzie...