
  1. C

    Why does Judaism reject the trinity doctrine in any form whatsoever, and what does

    that say about Jesus? Was he not a Jew? Your Thoughts...
  2. T

    Does the laissez-faire doctrine along with free marketplace of ideas notion...

    ...say that if ideas compete in socie? Does the laissez-faire doctrine along with free marketplace of ideas notion say that if ideas compete in society, the best would win which would encourage others to market and produce similar ideas
  3. T

    The laissez-faire doctrine along with free marketplace of ideas notion say...

    ...that if ideas compete in society, t? Does the laissez-faire doctrine along with free marketplace of ideas notion say that if ideas compete in society, the best would win which would encourage others to market and produce similar ideas
  4. G

    The Wellstone Doctrine:

    This is a good starting point: "Successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because they, too, have a vision." -Paul Wellstone Read the comments on this post...
  5. J

    Should the Pope send all the Catholic Church doctrine to Obama for approval?

    Now that the first amendment protection of the practice of religion is over, and Obama can force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control, wouldn't it be a good idea to have him review all Church doctrine so he can approve or reject it as he sees fit?
  6. J

    Why do people regard Ron Paul as some sort of doctrine who has all the answers?

    Like, today, I heard someone say their devoted to 'Paulism'. WTF?
  7. D

    How do Christians deal with the fact that nearly all of their doctrine is...

    ...inconsistent with Judaism? I mean, do they simply claim that the Jews are wrong regarding their own religion?
  8. F

    what is the doctrine that government generally should not intervene in...

    ...the marketplace? a. standard of living b. privatize c. economic system d. self interest. e. safety net f. communism g. laissez faire h. collective i. product market j. factor payments
  9. M

    Will People Stop Arguing Over Doctrine?

    I just read a study that says that it's the social part of Church that makes people happy not the doctrine. So if everyone excepted this would they argue over whose going to hang out with who next instead of arguing over doctrine?
  10. O

    Trinitarians, can you prove that the trinity is not a false doctrine?

    John 20:11-18 11But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; 12and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. 13They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to...
  11. R

    Why do conservatives that rant about "liberal media" oppose the fairness doctrine?

    Why do conservatives that rant about "liberal media" oppose the fairness doctrine? Sock Monkey: The libs want the fairness doctrine because the media is biased so far to the extreme right. Do you need an education to know what "consistency" is?
  12. T

    Christians, regarding the doctrine of sola scriptura, how can scripture

    alone be authoritative? What I mean is, much of the Bible can be interpreted in many different ways, considering much of it deals with empirically unvalidatable and unfalsifiable metaphysical principles. Claiming that scripture itself is the final authority does nothing to resolve differences in...
  13. E

    Is it Christian and does it fit the doctrine of Jesus Christ to encourage the...

    ...persecution of other people? An? The number of physical and verbal assaults on gay people have alarmingly increased over the last couple of years - and a direct causal link has been linked to the Pope's public condemnation and vilification of gay people. People are entitled to their own...
  14. M

    Christians who embrace the doctrine of "sola scriptura", to what prophecy is

    Christians who embrace the doctrine of "sola scriptura", to what prophecy is Matthew referring? Anyone care to take a stab at finding the prophecy Matthew is referring to here? Matthew 2:22-23 22But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was...
  15. H

    Is reincarnation a doctrine in Judaism? If so; how does it affect the...

    ...covenant between God and humanity? I have heard that among Hassids; reincarnation is taught. I read where a rabbi was conducting interviews with people supposedly reincarnated form Holocaust victims. Discuss. Trish JPA and Jewish Pastafarian I am WAAY past homework! I ask out of curiosity.
  16. J

    Is Kim Clement's prophecies now part of literal fundamentalist Christian doctrine.?

    I read a lot of Christian Fundamentalist using these raving as an accompaniment to back up the Biblical passages they quote and use to judge other Christians and other peoples non-christian not willing to agree on joining the Aryan Christ Spiritual Fascists and risking eternal suffering with...
  17. R

    Christians, what Churches do NOT believe the Trinity doctrine (God, Jesus,...

    ...Holy Spirit are one)? I know the Mormons do not believe they are one, and today a Oneness Pentecostal member said they don't either. What other churches do not? Thanks-
  18. L

    Sarah Palin doesn't know the Bush Doctrine! LOL! Why do people vote for this idiot?

    Bush Doctrine-The security environment confronting the United States today is radically different from what we have faced before. Yet the first duty of the United States Government remains what it always has been: to protect the American people and American interests. It is an enduring American...
  19. W

    LDS In the Book of Concord, Martin Luther introduces doctrine that...

    ...corrects papal errors.? Lutherans also believe in continued prophecy? I thought that the LDS religion was the only one who did not consider prophecy closed. The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord: When, by the special grace and mercy of the Almighty, the doctrine concerning the...
  20. V

    Now that the fairness doctrine has been voted down what will cons whine about?

    The senate voted to prevent federal regulators from reinstating the fairness doctrine today and it CAN NOT be used now so what cons use to portray themselves as victims now Steven Segal you sir are a nut...