
  1. T

    Southern U.S. States Lag In Reducing Death Rates From Colorectal Cancer

    Improvements in colorectal cancer mortality rates are concentrated in the northern part of the United States, while southern states continue to fall behind, according to a report in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Ahmedin...
  2. T

    Lung Cancer Death Rate Falling Faster In Men Than Women, USA

    The overall drop in death rates means 898,000 individuals who would have died from lung cancer over the last 17 years did not, according to a report issued by the American Cancer Society. From 2001 to 2007 male lung cancer deaths fell by 1.9% annually, while for women from 2002 to the end of...
  3. G

    Ultra-Bright Burst of Light Marks the Death Throes of a Star Being Eaten Alive [Repub

    Astronomers have solved the mystery of a gargantuan cosmic explosion first spotted in March: A black hole did it, by killing and eating a star the size of our sun. More »
  4. A

    Allegorically speaking, is grace + law = life + death the "mingled"

    drink that God's Christ would not receive? Matthew 27:34 They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted [thereof], he would not drink. Mark 15:23 And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received [it] not.
  5. K

    I need help looking for a video where people faked a girl's death?

    Apparently, there's an experimental video about people who faked a girl's death. She was driving, and someone flashed a beam of light through her windshield she fainted.. and people put her in the woods and made it seem like she crashed her car and died.. and when she woke up, she walked out of...
  6. M

    First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ?

    First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ? Soo i need a first sentence in my introduction a quote or question that can attract the essay is about who to blame in r & j death. Ipicked friar lawrence, their parents & themselves..any suggestion...
  7. H

    I got a BIG question...where can i find the dvd or tape of the Faces of Death?

    I need help and i hope that people remember the brutal true life series of Faces of Death and there was a Traces of Death to.It's been over 10 years since i seen them anywhere and i thought they got out lawed but i hope that you can help and remember both of them.I never need help on movies but...
  8. H

    I got a BIG question...where can i find the dvd or tape of the Faces of Death?

    I need help and i hope that people remember the brutal true life series of Faces of Death and there was a Traces of Death to.It's been over 10 years since i seen them anywhere and i thought they got out lawed but i hope that you can help and remember both of them.I never need help on movies but...
  9. J

    Roger McGough poem about a man challenging Death?

    Anyone heard of such a poem, and can quote it me or give me a link?
  10. V

    Death Row Resurrects O.F.T.B.'s "Damn Near Dead"

    Go old school with this upcoming album from Death Row.
  11. V

    Bin Laden Death Photo - Should It Be Released?

    Should the Osama Bin Laden death photo be released to the American public? As of right now, President Barack Obama doesn’t think so. After rumors that the Bin Laden death photos were going to be released, Obama decided against the idea. Currently, we only have the unofficial Bin Laden death...
  12. T

    World Unites To Halt Death And Injury On Roads

    On 11 May, dozens of countries around the world kick off the first global Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. From New Zealand to Mexico and the Russian Federation to South Africa, governments are committing to take new steps to save lives on their roads. The Decade seeks to prevent road...
  13. G

    Life is a carnival ... death of a carnival.

    Is the age of the blog carnival at an end? A few months back, several individuals concerned with plant blogging put a fair amount of effort into reviving and updating the Berry Go Round plant carnival. The next edition of that carnival, by the way, is coming up, so you should submit a...
  14. V

    Twitter: The Rock Scoops Osama Bin Laden's Death

    The death of Osama Bin Laden was one of the world’s top secrets. Outside of President Obama and a few high level government officials, nobody knew about the operation or the fact that Osama Bin Laden was killed … except for The Rock. Yes, that The Rock. On The Rock’s Twitter, he not so subtly...
  15. A

    Chris Douglas-Roberts isn’t celebrating bin Laden’s death

    </p> Athletes occupy a weird space in public life. As famous people, they're often expected to chime in on certain matters to give greater publicity to a particular issue. When they make controversial statements about those same issues, though, they're often made out to be uninformed jerkwads...
  16. A

    MMA world reacts on Twitter to death of Bin Laden

    Twitter is essentially where the news of Osama Bin Laden's death broke. It's also where many Americans and folks around the world reacted. The immediacy of Twitter is amazing, but can also be dangerous. Here is a sampling of the reaction from some folks around the MMA world. Former Ultimate...
  17. L

    Isn't it funny that they announced the death of Bin Laden just in time for the

    next elections? I believe that Bin Laden's death was a setup so that the public would decide to re-elect Obama and keep the global elites ruling the nation. I don't trust anything from the mainstream media nor the government. It's all bullshit and lies!
  18. L

    Isn't it funny that they announced the death of Bin Laden just in time for the

    next elections? I believe that Bin Laden's death was a setup so that the public would decide to re-elect Obama and keep the global elites ruling the nation. I don't trust anything from the mainstream media nor the government. It's all bullshit and lies!
  19. A

    Does anyone find it interesting that Hitler's death was announced on the same... Osama's death was? Hitler's death was announced on May 1st, 1945.
  20. L

    Survey: How did you hear about the death of Osama Bin Laden?

    I was home and my mom told me. Then I rush to turn on the TV and Internet. How did you hear about it?