First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ?


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May 24, 2011
First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ?

Soo i need a first sentence in my introduction a quote or question that can attract the essay is about who to blame in r & j death. Ipicked friar lawrence, their parents & themselves..any suggestion will help!
Sorry - I thought you were inviting us to look at the first sentence in your essay. But really, if you are writing an essay, YOU have to decide who is to blame, and your first sentence must reflect that decision.
You'll need to write this in your own voice, but start with something about how Shakespeare's moving tragedy stays with us and might move the reader to consider who is responsible for the deaths of young people so long before their time, or how it might have been avoided.

The trick with introductions is to try to convince the reader that the question your paper answers is worth asking in the first place.