
  1. A

    My Daughter Shames Me Into Eating Healthier

    Childhood obesity is a problem in our country. One in three American children are overweight or obese. That’s a staggering statistic and its enough to make any mother concerned. So along with focusing on home-cooked meals and family dinner time, I’ve also been on a campaign to teach my daughter...
  2. A

    Randy Moss? daughter sweeps every major Kentucky hoops MVP award

    It's official: The daughter of Randy Moss is definitely the best girls basketball player in the state of Kentucky. As noted by Larry Brown Sports, among other outlets, Boone County (Kent.) High senior Sydney Moss recently swept all the Kentucky player of the year awards, earning the...
  3. A

    ‘My Daughter Was Killed By A Drunk Driver, But I Don’t Want People To Stop Drinking’

    Jan Withers lost her 15-year-old daughter, Alisa Joy, when she was killed by an underage drunk driver--something Withers says is a 100% preventable violent crime. And while the campaign for not drinking and driving is stronger than ever now, one in three people are still involved in an...
  4. Y

    My ex wants to introduce our daughter to his girlfriend. I still hate her.

    Will I let him? My ex left me when I was 5 months pregnant for that girl. We are good friends now since he visits our child as often as he could and supports her financially. I recently got married but I still can't get over what she did to me (my ex GF). When I was pregnant she pretended to be...
  5. Y

    My ex wants to introduce our daughter to his girlfriend. Will I let him?

    My ex left me when I was 5 months pregnant for that girl. We are friends now and he visits her as often as he could and supports her financially. He said he loves our daughter so much. I just recently got married and now my ex wants my 2 years old daughter to meet his girlfriend. Am I being...
  6. T

    I need an infant car seat that will fit in my GMC Acadia next to my daughter's seat.?

    My 2 year old is sitting in a Graco Nautilus and I need to find another car seat that can sit next to hers, that won't take up too much space. This will be child #6 and I'm looking to make all of the car seats fit in the car. Any suggestions?
  7. C

    How long does it take for a I-130 to be approved for my married daughter?

    and at what stage will I be able to request a work permit?
  8. G

    Mon Dieu! Could Halle Berry Really Be Allowed to Move Daughter Nahla to France?

    Halle Berry can travel to wherever she wants for work, for vacation, for the hell of it, etc. But if she wants to move somewhere—and take her kid with her—that's a whole other...
  9. H

    Which episode from bill cosby does he forbid his daughter from having her

    boyfriend over in her room? He forbids her from allowing her boyfriend in her room but she sneaks him in anyway and they sneak around trying to not get caught meanwhile cliff is trying to catch a mouse.
  10. M

    Would you try to discourage your daughter from talking to herself?

    My daughter who is 13 almost 14 always talks to herself. She will have whole conversations with herself. She seems to be doing this more and more. When she was little she hardly spoke at all, It would take her forever to respond to a question asked of her like she would have to think it all...
  11. M

    Would you try to discourage your daughter from talking to herself?

    My daughter who is 13 almost 14 always talks to herself. She will have whole conversations with herself. She seems to be doing this more and more. When she was little she hardly spoke at all, It would take her forever to respond to a question asked of her like she would have to think it all...
  12. G

    my daughter continually has bad dreams. she has had a cleansing with sage. she

    has had many dream catchers tha? t have fallen apart when she shakes them out. any help on what she can do will be appreciated. she is 25 years old
  13. A

    I had a dream about my Ex & daughter screaming?

    A really long and prolonged scream, then I heard a loud noise like something/ someone dropping/ bang on my door, my mind awoke, but my body was still frozen in REM. I don't get on with my ex, long story manipulative and issues of contact etc, but this dream scared the f**k out of me. Q. What...
  14. C

    Boyfriend has a daughter, but not allowed to see her... Now I want a child,

    but he won't even discuss it? My boyfriend is 7 years older than me, and he has a 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship. The woman was married, but lied and said she was getting divorced. When she got pregnant, she went back to her husband, and my now boyfriend was never allowed to...
  15. L

    Why is it my daughter complains of back lower back pain?

    My four year old daughter has lower back pain. We took her to three doctors and all have checked her out. Two have done blood work, and one checked out her back just by physical exam. But they can't find nothing wrong! Were going on two an half years now! Dose anyone have any ideas?
  16. M

    Reasonable to ask for my daughter' s boyfriend's mobile no?

    I think so, My mother asked for my boyfriends number and its the exact same ages, im 16 hes 19, its just a precaution incase there an emergency. I think you should
  17. A

    Anorexic Mother Weighs Less Than Her 7-Year-Old Daughter, Wears Kids’ Clothes

    Although The New York Times seems to find something glamorous in women throwing on their kids’ clothes, this case study is far from chic. Single anorexic mother Rebecca Jones made a startling realization one morning when in her daughter’s room. The 26 year old picked up her 7-year-old daughter...
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    DOES MY 17 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER NEED A PASSPORT TO GO TO MEXICO & COME BACK WITHIN A... ...24HR PERIOD.? I took all my children to Mexico a few yrs ago, and we came back in the same day. At that time i only showed the health insurance cards & my DL. I know that new laws have been passed, I have my...
  19. C

    Do I have to travel to facilitate contact between my daughter and her father?

    Can I be ordered by a court to share travel arrangements with my daughters father. I want him to do all traveling as he can claim back his travel expenses throught the CSA whereas I cannot. We live 200 miles apart as my husband is in the army and I chose to move with my husband. Her father...
  20. W

    I had a dream of a broken surfboard, a daughter that I don't have and a...

    ...paycheck. What does it mean? I had a dream I was in a room with mirrors and behind me was a large window that overlooked other buildings. Then a girl walks up to me and says, "daddy" and asks me if I could advertise with her my company. She explained that having a high profile client would...