
  1. H

    Wouldn't be nice if we didn't have liberal collectivists whining and crying

    that life's not fair? Boo hoo, some people have more money than me and I dont want to work *tear* Better start being a political liar *tear*
  2. J

    Do you think it's ironic that the same people crying child abuse all the times

    are also the ones complaining? about out of control kids? They seem to be in everyone's business, either picking up the phone when they see a child spanked (not beat, a quick swat or two to the bottom) or scolded loudly (not belittled, berated but "DON'T DO THAT, BAD!") to keep their children...
  3. O

    How do I get my puppy to stop crying?

    I got my 10 week old puppy only 5 days ago. I understand that he must be missing his mom and siblings, but I was really hoping that he'd stop crying by now. It mostly happens when I'm at home and not paying attention to him (before and/or after playing with him). I've tried ignoring him when he...
  4. S

    How to stop crying whilst arguing?

    My mother and I have been fighting for a few days. To make a long story short, I keep wanting to resolve the issue ASAP but she keeps giving me the silent treatment, talking badly about me to my sisters and aunts, yelling at me, promising that we'll have a "talk," threatening me with said talk...
  5. T

    Stray kitten crying in the bushes outside?

    Thes a little kitten crying in the bushes outside and its alone. Its been there all day crying and when i try to call it out it runs away to another part of the bushes! Its so fast nothing i do is helping, ive tried to lure it out with food and cat noises but these bushes go back farr and it has...
  6. K

    18 Month Old Boy That Won't Stop Crying & Whining?

    Help, I run a home daycare and have taken in a new little boy. He is 18 months old. and all day he cries and whines.His mom sits on the floor all day because she says he will get upset otherwise. I try to play with him as much as I can but with 4 other kids running around I have to give the...
  7. E

    Are arjentinians who consider soccer a religion crying ?

    arjentina was humiliated! LOL
  8. K

    which bleach episode does rukia see orihime crying?

    There's a part i saw where Orihime was running through the urahara shop, opened the door and Rukia was there i just wanted to know what episode that was
  9. L

    What kind of guy would beat-up a girl, after she's crying in the dirt,

    laugh at her and walk away? Should these people be allowed to continue their lives after such an act, as if NOTHING was changed?
  10. L

    Does any one have any super funny crying on the floor laughing stories or jokes?

    I'm depressed and something to cheer me up.
  11. K

    crying after this dream please help me figure out what it means?

    my boyfriend will never cheat on me but i had this dream that we were still together but he was doing sexual things with this other girl and acting like it was not a big deal when i was standing there watching and looking at him and i was very upset in the dream it just seemed like he knew we...
  12. M

    my 13 month old has been crying and whining off and on for a week....what do I do?

    He is not hungry or dirty and I would try a lavender bath but he hates baths. I am about to go crazy and he is also annoying my 2yo who screams when the 1yo doesnt quit after 30 minutes. I tried giving him tylenol, teething tablets, and orajel in case in was from teething but its been an hour...
  13. F

    How many crying police hating whine babies will show up today and pout about the

  14. F

    Why are these wimps on the Gulf Coast whining and crying due to oil spill?

    Why dont they face up to the situation that their fishing and tourism business is kaput for a few months and instead of moaning and crying for the cameras, look for a regular job in another industry even if that requires a move. That is what most Americans have had to do in the recession. Adjust...
  15. W

    I'm kind of crying - need to vent.?

    So I watched Katy Perry's Thinking of you music video, and it got me thinking about last summer. My boyfriend broke up with me, and he said that it was just for the summer - but then he said that he didn't know. I went three months in the summer hoping that he would make up his mind, come visit...
  16. W

    I'm kind of crying - need to vent.?

    So I watched Katy Perry's Thinking of you music video, and it got me thinking about last summer. My boyfriend broke up with me, and he said that it was just for the summer - but then he said that he didn't know. I went three months in the summer hoping that he would make up his mind, come visit...
  17. A

    Barca fans do you realize that all that whining and crying ain't gonna change the...

    ...result? You talk about the way Inter played but that's the only way they could have won, Mou ain't stupid we not Barca so we not gonna play the Barca way, talk about the ref, he sent off Motta for no good reason giving you the edge (Barca prolly paid him), talk about diving but ain't nobody...
  18. A

    Barca fans do you realize that all that whining and crying ain't gonna change the...

    ...result? You talk about the way Inter played but that's the only way they could have won, Mou ain't stupid we not Barca so we not gonna play the Barca way, talk about the ref, he sent off Motta for no good reason giving you the edge (Barca prolly paid him), talk about diving but ain't nobody...
  19. S

    "Attachment style parent's" against crying it out and harsh punishment VS....

    "Attachment style parent's" against crying it out and harsh punishment VS.... ...parents for punishments? I'm an attachment parenter (not because I chose to follow that style of parenting but because I naturally just fall there) and I'm curious as to how you all deal with these situations...
  20. R

    which cover song's music video has girls crying and their tears make cause

    the city to flood? the video contains real video with cartoon animated tears..its a remake of a house song