
  1. C

    ringtone siren and a baby crying mixed?

    ive heard a really annoying ringtone,wat is a siren and a babys cry mixed ,does anyone know anywhere i can download on to my mobile phone 4 free
  2. A

    baby is screaming, and crying, i am going crazy help me before i do...

    ...something to it!!? its a realbaby we have 2 do 4 school, our teacher didnt give us a key we're supposed 2 be its mommy for the weekend, and it wont stop crying! i have restrained from throwing it down in frustration, for fear of a bad grade. ive already fed it,changed it,burped it, and...
  3. M

    I just had a new cat. It just won't stop crying at night. Can I keep him in

    a seperate room? I'm am keeping him in a seperate room all night keeping the door shut with his dry food, water and litter box. He just won't stop crying! Is it normal? Is he going to get used to the new home ever?
  4. J

    help, my new puppy wont stop crying at night and she rolls in her poo?

    We have had her for a week and although she has had short periods where she cries each night, its been ok. Last night however she woke at 5am and cried until I went through at 6.45am, shouted no, go to bed and then promptly left again. I know puppies cry and get lonely and have tried all the...
  5. R

    Poll: Why was Miss Piggy seen crying in the Super Market ....?

    Again, Good Freezing Morning or Will we ever see Spring again, Afternoon?
  6. E

    Why are there cats outside almost every night crying?

    Its actually scary, sometimes theyre fighting but lately theyre just crying and its so loud, it really is scary. They are always near or inside my property. Does anyone know anything about this? They scare me at night when im sleeping. I dont own any pets either. HELP?
  7. T

    i keep crying. i cant stop please help!?

    its been two days now!! And i still cant stop crying. it all really started when we did height and weight in my dance class at school. when i was on the scale my dance teacher told me not to start anything cause ive stopped eating b4. im 5'3 and weight 153 pounds! so i stopped eating again and...
  8. M

    IM CRYING! i'v had it already.. i been working out and eating healthy for a

    month now.. and NOTHING. :[? im 15 yr old., 5"4, and 158 pounds..since jan. 5 i been doing my stationary bike for 30 mins and recently like 20 days ago added pilates and dancing to my day and burning a total of 500-550 cals a day. i eat healthy to like 1300 cals a day.. and i dont think i see...
  9. N

    My baby awakes crying & screaming?

    My son is 9 months old and always sleeps through the night from 3 months old. However in the past 2 weeks he has been getting up 7 or 8 times a night crying. It is in his sleep as he doesnt open his eyes. Is he having a nightmare? what could it be about thats waking him?
  10. G

    Why do you think the kids on Jon and Kate always seem to be crying and or whining?

    I'm sure there are challenges with having so many young children under one roof but do you think the kids might be happier or more content if they were allowed to just be kids and not always expected to be "on" for the cameras. Do you think growing up under such a situation creates a false...
  11. S

    When will Obama stop crying about giving up his Blackberry? ?

    If he doesn't yet understand why it is a problem, I worry even more about him,... and us.
  12. M

    Crying and not picking up and a couple of other questions, too?

    1) I see there are a lot of inquiries this morning about babies crying and not picking them up. There are many differing views! I have a 2-month old and, so far, am not considering the CIO approach. My concern comes from the fact that when my baby is crying and I can't get to her immediately...
  13. K

    Why does my dog keep crying and won't stop?

    My dog keeps constantly crying for every single thing!!!! When he wants to come inside, he cries and doesn't stop. When he wants food, he scratches my body hard and cries for food. My dads dogs before never cried like this one! It gets so irritating. What can we do? Hes a Maltese chiauaua...
  14. S

    celebrity big brother? why was michelle crying ?

    before? is it still over the princess fiona thing or has something else happened with her and coolio ?