
  1. N

    Weird chatroom conversation?

    Let's say there was someone who was in a bad mood and went into a chatroom. There was only one other user in there. This someone was in such a bad mood, they did not have a good control of their temper. The other user started to exit/enter/exit/re-enter the chatroom for several minutes, for...
  2. S

    How to make my conversation go funnier ?

    I texted my friend and I realized my # has been deleted 'cause she was asking me who I was; so I joked around with her and that's how the conversation went: Me:Im bored. 10:46 PM H: Who is this?! 10:51 PM Me: Oh yea? Now u delete my number? I thought u said we could be just friends! 11:08 PM H...
  3. T

    Pediatric Weight Management: Researchers Develop 'Conversation Cards' To Broach The S

    Medical researchers at the University of Alberta have created a deck of cards with conversation starters about sensitive and informational topics related to weight, that parents can use to guide their discussions when talking about their child's weight management with health professionals...
  4. M

    Nokia C3 Conversation problem?

    I thought I had this problem because I had too many texts in my inbox, but I deleted a few conversations, and I still have the same problem. The problem is that I have texts from Person A. in the conversation with Person B. and also the order of texts in conversations is wrong, Person C. has...
  5. M

    Nokia C3 Conversation problem?

    I thought I had this problem because I had too many texts in my inbox, but I deleted a few conversations, and I still have the same problem. The problem is that I have texts from Person A. in the conversation with Person B. and also the order of texts in conversations is wrong, Person C. has...
  6. A

    what conversation topics actually interest a girl? please help.?

    I am really attractive guy but i am also a nerd and only play video games. I don't watch television, listen to music or play any sports. all i do is play video games everyday. Now this pretty girl likes me and it's so easy to tell, but i have no idea how to talk to her. I work with her and it is...
  7. M

    What is the weirdest or funniest conversation or argument you have ever had?

    So, I thinking about past arguments and conversations I have had with people, and I was wondering something. What is the weirdest, craziest, funniest, dumbest conversation or argument you have ever had?
  8. R

    Have you ever had a conversation about your soul, Jesus Christ and

    Salvation from Sin? I am taking a Poll
  9. N

    How do I keep a conversation going on chat?

    When I chat with friends or girls, I tend to be the one that keeps the conversation going and ask questions or talk, how can I keep a good flow in a conversation, what should I say?
  10. Lisa

    if you delete a message from your conversation on facebook is it deleted for them...

    ...too? If you have a conversation with someone on facebook and then after you send a message you delete the message from your conversation does it delete for them too or just for you? Thanks!
  11. C

    Tell me a good conversation jokes?

    what are sum jokes i can use to make people laugh in conversation both appropiate and non appropiate
  12. R

    How To React When The Conversation Turns To Sex?

    I'm 30 years old, and although I've been a bit promiscuous in the past, those days are gone. As a matter of fact, since my last break-up, I really have no interest in talking about sex with guys or having sex. I'm not on any dating websites or anything. The dilemma is that when I'm talking to...
  13. M

    What conversation topics would be interesting?

    I get along very well with two foreign exchange students in my school. One, a tenth grade girl from Mexico and the other a 12th grade girl from Finland. What conversation topics can I bring up? I don't want to be like everyone else and ask about their language and silly things that everyone...
  14. Y

    How can I get rid of the notification of unfinished conversation with

    deleted contact in blackberry messenger? Pulling off battery did not work.
  15. Y

    How can I get rid of the notification of unfinished conversation with

    deleted contact in blackberry messenger? Pulling off battery did not work.
  16. B

    Conversation With Ex On The Phone? Does It Sound Like He Still Likes Me?

    ((Kinda Long))? okay, so here's the story. i haven't heard from my ex in a while and we used to text a lot and i saw he was online on facebook so i decided to call him and see whats up. he answered and the first thing i said was, "r u dating that brianna girl?!" lol and he said "no." that made...
  17. J

    i need help with my conversation?

    Catherine is a slut, she tells jean about her date. “Jean!” Catherine yelled flipping the light switch. “Oh, its you,” Jean said pleased. “Who else? Anyway I have to tell you what happened,” Catherine said laughing. “What happened? Did you buy him a meal?” “No that is not what happened at all...
  18. G

    An interesting conversation in the offing

    Did I use 'offing' correctly? Strange word. Anyway, Mike Haubrich has pulled off another coup at Atheist Talk Radio. He has arranged for a conversation to happen, live, between Desiree Schell and yours truly. This will be in early June (details forthcoming). We'll be talking about...
  19. H

    Blackberry text conversation colors?

    The other day I saw another girl with a BlackBerry sending a text, and I saw that her conversation bubbles were different colors than the standard blue and gray, and the background was a different color too. Is there an app for that or something? I would really like to make my conversations...
  20. T

    The Conversation between: The Palate, Colon, and Toxins - May 05,2011

    How well do they communicate? Do they all get along? Do they fight or agree? Do they have cousins? What happenes when they disagree? If they only had a voice to effectively communicate...The Palate | The Appetite | The Colon | Toxins | Digest Release and or Remain Inside More...