
  1. A

    My Boyfreinds ex is constantly txt arguing with me. What is up her ass?

    She is very annoying and i try to ignore her txts, its like she wants me to break up with him saying that he cheated on me but me and my boyfriend are committed with each other. And she mocks me and him aswell. What is her problem? I think she still has feelings for him and she has a boyfriend too.
  2. H

    Parents arguing constantly - dad thinks mum is cheating...?

    My dad lost his job a few years ago, has struggled to find much work since, and has since lost his confidence and has become paranoid. He can't hold down a job because he's very opinionated, plus he's getting older and doesn't have much work to show for it. He constantly argues with my mum over...
  3. R

    Is it not a bit unchristian of the Christians here who constantly insult

    and judge others based o sexual/reli? ous preferences? Some Christians here even mock other Christian groups, example- constant insulting of Catholics Would Jesus be happy about that?
  4. J

    My 5 month old doberman pup constantly whines, why?

    Lexi, my doberman pup is constantly in whining mode. Now, I know what you will say: she needs attention, she needs a playmate, ect. She has everything. We have a 2 yr old pitbull and a 1 yr old doberman who she loves to death. They all get alog great and they all have plenty of play time outside...
  5. R

    My dog keeps scratching his ears and shaking his head almost constantly. Plz help? ?

    I have a one year old German Shepard mix, & Lately my family and I have noticed that he scratches his ears a lot and shakes his head almost constantly. Sometimes he'll also rub his ears against an object or blanket, and most of the time he keeps his ears to the sides, flat. I think it could be...
  6. H

    Why do I have to listen to girls constantly nag and complain about guys.....?

    blah blah blah "where have all the gentlemen gone"? blah blah blah JUST SHUT UP!
  7. P

    why does my dog constantly whine?

    my female dog, pepper, is 2 and a half years old. she whines non stop and hasn't been listening as well as she usually does. yes i do pay her attention. in-fact, i pet her and talk to her every chance i get. and i was also wondering if this has anything to do with it: - she doesn't socialize...
  8. M

    Lg Quantum, does setting up your Facebook to the phone run the internet constantly ?

    i have the lowest plan for internet on the LG quantum, and i am afraid if i set up my facebook account that the internet will constantly be running and i will over exceed my limit, so does setting up facebook constantly run the internet, and alot ???
  9. B

    my ex would constantly argue with me?

    he is 21 almost 22. and i am 18.. hes liked me for over a year maybe even almost 2. well this december we started "tlking" but he was too clingy and i was going through alot because i had just broken up with my ex of four years so i told him that it was too much... he talked to one of my...
  10. B

    my ex would constantly argue with me?

    he is 21 almost 22. and i am 18.. hes liked me for over a year maybe even almost 2. well this december we started "tlking" but he was too clingy and i was going through alot because i had just broken up with my ex of four years so i told him that it was too much... he talked to one of my...
  11. R

    Constantly arguing with a former friend over my dating preferences, what should I do?

    I would really like to be friends again with this girl I hung out with in Junior High. We drifted apart over the years because of our interest, she was more into partying and I am a late bloomer(I am still a virgin). Over the last year and a half we have come to blows over my dating choices, I...
  12. N

    Why is my verizon wireless internet constantly disconnecting?

    Ive had verizon internet for around 8 years now with very little issue sbut lately while on my laptop using the wireless connectiong I have been getting lag spikes every so often and disconnecting about once per hour yet the wireless icon never shows that it is disconnected. I used to have the...
  13. A

    Can your cellphone be constantly roaming, does it cost?

    I have Us celluar, and im moving three hours away, while im there my phone is always roaming, when i move will i have to get a different cell company, or will it not cost or matter?
  14. C

    Whats wrong with my mobile freezing and restarting constantly?

    this happens with the same sim card on both phones, but each handset crashes differently. One does the full freeze sometimes when incoming calls come in (making it impossible to press answer) same phone also sometimes has absolutely no audio on the speaker when i make calls but corrects when i...
  15. S

    MEN: My boyfriend watches porn on his smartphone constantly throughout the

    day. Should I be worried? I live with my boyfriend of 3 years, and I accidentally discovered that he watches porn on his smartphone constantly. The first few months he had this smartphone he would let me play around with it, and if I asked him to use it he'd tell me, "Of course, Beautiful, you...
  16. S

    Car battery drained due to amp being powered constantly, is it possible?

    Hey guys, I recently suffered an unfortunate incident (my car battery got drained completely) - might have left a light or something on in the car...However I'm all good now but not too confident to connect the positive terminal back to my amp for the sub, fearing that it might be the cause of...
  17. M

    Why does my dog whine constantly?

    My girlfriends dog often comes to stay at my house when she does, and she whines constantly while she's here. Bit of background info: She's well fed and gets taken for a walk/run almost every day when she's here, as one of my housemates takes her with him when he goes running. She's a social...
  18. M

    Why does my dog whine constantly?

    My girlfriends dog often comes to stay at my house when she does, and she whines constantly while she's here. Bit of background info: She's well fed and gets taken for a walk/run almost every day when she's here, as one of my housemates takes her with him when he goes running. She's a social...
  19. N

    How to deal with someone who constantly argues with you during work?

    Okay, I'm a senior in high school who's the head of Stage Crew. There's this kid on our crew who CONSTANTLY argues with me. In his eyes, he's not trying to be a jerk -- he just always has something to say, criticism of a decision I make, etcetera. In my mind, he's an overbearing asshole...
  20. B

    Am I the only one getting tired of people constantly complaining about how their

    life sucks? That is all I see, 24/7. People complaining at school, on Yahoo!, on Facebook, on Xbox, everywhere. Well, news flash people. EVERYONE has crap to deal with. If people got distraught by every little thing, from unfair parents, to hard trouble at school/work, to economical problems...