Parents arguing constantly - dad thinks mum is cheating...?


Jun 9, 2008
My dad lost his job a few years ago, has struggled to find much work since, and has since lost his confidence and has become paranoid. He can't hold down a job because he's very opinionated, plus he's getting older and doesn't have much work to show for it. He constantly argues with my mum over things and has been saying "You only moved with me to England because you wanted to meet an English man and run off with him". He has absolutely no proof whatsoever, and calls my mum a cow infront of my siblings and me. I don't know what to do. :/
Ask yourself this question; Did "you" do anything to cause ANY of this? The answer is of course, "nope." Do not try to give advise to your parents. Do not try to join in on the yelling. Do not even think about who is being fair and who isn't. You can't possibly know. What you hear and/or what you're parents say, may only be "their truth", not reality. First thing "in your power of control" is to know for a fact, there is very little at all "you" can do. What you might do is; quietly and without drawing attention to yourself, offer to play or show something to your siblings. Try to get them away from the direct area of the problem. Chances are, with all the yelling, your parents won't notice. Don't let your siblings know what you're really doing. Next, just go to your school office and ask to see the councilor there. You're friends won't know. The councilors are not allowed to break the "law" of confidence (they can't tell anyone)... unless someone is being hurt. The counselor can tell you what to tell your friends if you get called down to the office meet with them. They're very creative. IT WILL HELP. If you don't help yourself, how can you be of any help to someone else? Or for example, if you are sick in bed and too sick to help someone else, then how can you help them? Take care of yourself, love yourself. This way, you'll be able to be an all around hero. Especially to your siblings.
Your dad has not got a lot going for him, but him being rude to your mother in front of all your kids only makes matters worse.

You can pull him aside and tell him it bother's you when he is disrespectful about YOUR MOTHER in front of you, and for him please to stop doing that.

Other than that, you cannot do anything about their marriage. They are the adults, it is their marriage and only they are responsible for it.