
  1. A

    Cat defecates on pitch after Malaysian FA Cup match is abandoned

    The second leg of the Malaysian FA Cup semifinal between Pahang and JDT was abandoned to crowd trouble and as the players headed down the tunnel, a cat showed what it thought of the situation by defecating on the pitch. While the commentators laughed heartily, the feline strolled out onto the...
  2. T

    Is it creul to keep a cat indoors or outdoors? ?

    In my previous ask, people were moaning because I said my pets love the outdoors and live a lot outdoors. I just think indoor cats arnt cats. They are trapped in a domestic environment without an oppotunity to be a CAT. They can't hunt, fight (sounds strange but cats love the occational scrap...
  3. E

    What can I use to make my new cat and kitten smell better? It's horrible right now!!?

    Yesterday I picked up a momma cat and one of her kittens from a small trailor that, to my HORROR, was housing approximately 30 cats! The smell of cat urine and feces was so strong that I gagged several times. Part of me wanted to turn around and run out of there but the other part of me realized...
  4. S

    Can a cat find its way home after being sprayed in face by a skunk?

    My cat is 10 years old. She has always been an indoor-outdoor cat. The night before last she came running in the house acting terrified and crazy and rubbing her nose and face. She ran around then out the door again.I couldn't figure out what had happened,but then I smelled really strong skunk...
  5. J

    My male dog continues to mount my female cat. Is that normal?

    I have a poodle that keeps trying to fuk my old female cat. The cat doesnt complain and just let him pound her. I find it hilarious and i think shes enjoying the pounding. Should i stop them?
  6. C

    Do you think my cat will get use to the outdoors :(?

    I am 16. I have four cats. I looovee my cats okay? They're indoor/outdoor cats. We live in the country. Well my Dad doesnt like cats.. He doesn't like abuse them or anything.. But he doesn't like them. And he's decided that they need to be full outside cats now because its summer. Well I don't...
  7. G

    Warner Brothers Is Being Sued For Using Nyan Cat Without Permission

    Warner Brothers—a company all too keen to leap on anybody infringing its copyright—is being sued for unauthorized use of the Nyan Cat meme. Oops. Read more...
  8. C

    My cat loves going outdoors but he wanders a lot?

    My kitty is a neutered male who is just about a year old and he absolutely loves going outside. If he can't go outside he'll wander around the house for hours moaning and crying. He wanders far away from our house and doesn't come back for long periods of time, and won't show up if we call him...
  9. J

    My neighbour's cat has an abscess caused from my cat. What should I do?

    We have recently moved homes and my 2 yr old 'sweet' tabby got into a fist fight with my neighbour's 14 yr old overweight tabby. She came over today to show us pictures of an abscess caused by our cat. She was clearly distraught so I told her we'd be keeping our cat indoors no worries. I think...
  10. C

    How can i get over losing a loving cat that loved attention?

    My cat (batman) died a fewdays ago (well put down) i miss him so much all i think of is him. Please help :'(
  11. C

    How can i get over losing a loving cat that loved attention?

    My cat (batman) died a fewdays ago (well put down) i miss him so much all i think of is him. Please help :'(
  12. L

    My cat is sick, please help?

    My cat Mickey, ate some of my plant Assorted Dracaena and started puking. He is now isolating himself, lying in his litter box, not drinking, nor peeing or pooping. What is wrong with him!? He's 4 years old.
  13. U

    My cat is limping could it b a sprain??

    I have only just started letting my cats out and bringing them back in at night, last night I couldn't find them, but I've found them now but one of them is limping, she will put her foot down and put a little weight on it and jump up and down off the bed... Her leg isn't swallow but it is a...
  14. R

    how do cat shows work?

    i believe you reserve a cage and then the judge comes by to judge the cat correct? if so do you have to reserve a cage/cate or can you bring your own? do they still charge people the same? are they judges in breed groups like dogs then moved onto best in show? do they have a best male and...
  15. U

    How do i get rid of the fleas from an outdoors cat!?

    She is a street cat that i found, have been feeding and taking care of her for the past 2 months, i wish i could bring her indoors unfortunately a family member is deathly terrified of all animals loool , i just noticed that she has these black jumping bugs on her fur :( !! i never had a cat so...
  16. T

    My cat past away while I was on vacation?

    My cat passed away while I was on vacation and I can't stop crying about it. I had him for 16 years, and I loved him so much. All I can think about is if he was uncomfortable in any way, and if he was wondering where I was. It's so hard to think I didn't get to give him a proper goodbye. How do...
  17. T

    Need some Cat. Converter Help?

    I have an 03 Pontiac Grand Prix. the car eats gas like its Goin out a style. I went to dealer and they said that the cat converter is bad which is the cause for the bad gas. However I have changed the car converter before and it only has 130k. So my question is if I totally remove just the cat...
  18. A

    Snowmobile, Arctic cat and Yamaha?

    Did Yamaha and arctic cat collide with yamaha's 2014 sled. Is that legal to take arctic cats chase?
  19. A

    I got a new cat a little over a week ago that had lived outdoors, and now I have...

    ...itchy red bumps? No sign of fleas, so for the sake of discussion, lets rule that out. Any other ideas?
  20. E

    New cat?

    If you are looking for new ideas on the forum rozój I have a few.