
  1. X

    how many warrior cat books are there in total not including the mangas?

    and how many books are left to come out?
  2. A

    What's wrong with my cat?

    I recently moved, and my cat, who used to be extremely loving and loved my bedroom, now avoids my room like the plague and stays in the bathroom unless he's eating. I'm not sure why he's changed his preferences so much, and I just want to be sure nothing is wrong.
  3. E

    Im worried my cat will be killed by a neighbor dog ?

    My Neighbors dog has a reputation of killing cats and there isn't many cats in the area. the dog is always untied and im worried it will kill my cat. yesterday my cat was seen being chased by the dog. luckily he was home most of the time but we can't keep the cat underlock and key all...
  4. C

    Cat suddenly pees everywhere?

    My family has had the same cat for about 6 years now. He was a rescue. He has never been abused, he has a very nice life. He is about 10 years old and has recently started urinating in random places. He is fixed, and there have been no changes in his habitat. In the past two months, he...
  5. W

    Would a computer like in "Person of Interest" help to "walk the cat...

    ...backwards" and solve a mystery? There's very little you can do anymore that isn't being documented somewhere. "Person of Interest," a new drama on CBS created by J.J. Abrams and Jonathan Nolan (brother of Christopher), takes this idea very seriously. And Nolan thinks you should, too. "In the...
  6. P

    So my cat was lost in the wood for four wee k in july. It october and he is still... nd bone how can i get ? i have no mony to c the vet
  7. A

    My cat annoys the hell out of me at night?

    -Rant begin- She insists on announcing her presence whenever she comes in, she paws at my face, she walks all over me, and I swear, she can wake the dead with all the NOISE she makes! Yet if I shut her out of my room, she'll just meow and meow and meow and meow (very loudly, I might add) until...
  8. G

    I don't know if my cat might have rabies; please help, I'm really scared. ?

    My cat is 8 years old and I'm not sure whether he has rabies or not. We let him outside but only in our yard, but he attempts to escape (and succeeds) quite often. Today in the middle of the night I woke up to find him in my bed chewing and sucking on my pajama pants, and he started to get...
  9. S

    How to introduce my 8 month old cat to my new 2 week old kitten?

    I didn't know I was supposed to wait at least a week to introduce my 8 month old cat to my new 3 week old kitten, now the cat is bulling the kitten! Is there anything I can do to help them to get along or make the introduction a little easier?
  10. B

    Is what I did to my cat mean?

    I was just picking this snot outta my nose. I had no where to wipe it so I wiped it on her back.
  11. U

    :3 Would you say that your cat is a scientist? nyan :3?

    Cats seem very scientific in their approach towards life. The way that they learn to hunt/hunt. How they study the effects of a patch of sun on their bodies. While dogs take a more emotional approach to their studies. woof :o3
  12. M

    Why does my cat do this?

    I'm really freaking out. It's about 12:30 am and my cat keeps going behind my blinds and staring out my window. Then he runs out into the dark living room and back to my window. He does this several times. And it's not the first time he's done it. I looked out the window and there is nothing...
  13. S

    Cat Nutrition Help Please :)?

    I'm getting a cat soon and I wanna know what are some healthy choices of food for them! Also how many calories per day should a cat consume? And what are some healthy treats for them?
  14. A

    Is it legal to change a dog into a cat?

    kinda like a sex change where a man turns into a woman but it would be turning a dog into a cat? I want to do this.
  15. RobinBank

    [video]copy cat

    Here is the copy cat :D Greatest Funny Clips: Copy cat
  16. A

    Positives and negatives of getting female cat fixed?

    She is 3y/o. Not fixed. Im not sure if I should, she doesnt go outside and has no contact with male cats that can get her pregnant. Would it possibly increase healthy life years? Or she doesnt need it? My second cat is fixed and I dont think their behavior is noticably different (well, except...
  17. R

    How to dissuade cat from attacking caged birds?

    I've seen my cat's big hungry eyes (even after feeding) gawk at my caged pigeons. The cage is secure. When I'm not watching he'll even try to climb the cage and take a few swipes at the poor birds. Anything I can do to dissuade this? I've never seen such fearful eyes on a pigeon.
  18. A

    What should I do with this cat?

    I found a kitten on the streets and adopted him. But even as a kitten he was very aggressive, has sharp teeth that he bites people with. He just runs to themand bites them. For example, my uncle was lying on the couch and he jumped on him and bit his penis. Sometimes he runs very fast through...
  19. L

    How do i keep my cat from getting on the balcony railing?

    She's part Siamese so she loves to be up high. Her litter box is outside which makes it easier on everyone (I live with my bf's parents) and she loves being on the balcony but she gets up on the railing...we're nineteen stories up. And she's been known to lose her balance on the kichen counter...
  20. S

    What should I do for my sick cat?

    Since I adopted my cat he's been sick quite frequently. I've only had him a year and he's gotten sick almost once a month, and he had to be hospitalized once. This time he's vomiting something pinkish and watery in addition to his food. I'm going to take him to Banfield in the morning since we...