
  1. N

    Help a beginner audiophile! How will this setup work?

    I'll admit it, I almost have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to buying stereo systems. So go easy on me. Will these components work together? How will the sound be? Keep in mind that I'm on a very low budget. Will a sub woofer be necessary? The room I'll have this set up in will be small...
  2. K

    I need cd/dvd's on Beginner Spanish?

    Does anybody know which stores sell cd/dvd's on beginner Spanish. I don't want software and I can't order online. So I need store name suggestions PLEASE
  3. C

    What is the best handheld camera for a beginner filmmaker?

    freshman in high school; small projects. hope of getting into film school
  4. N

    how can i play ps1 games on my psp? im a beginner and just got the psp...

    ...(1003) so need lots of help? the games i want to play is resident evil 1,2,3 oddworld, crash bandicoot
  5. S

    I need help finding a nice, cheap, beginner sports bike. Any suggestions?

    Hey guys I'm looking to buy my first motorcycle(sports bike only) to help me save gas to commute to college and need help seeing as I know nothing about them hahah. I'm not trying to spend too much, probably 3000 at most(sorry poor college kid) but something that'll just drive me from point A to...
  6. S

    I need help finding a nice, cheap, beginner sports bike. Any suggestions?

    Hey guys I'm looking to buy my first motorcycle(sports bike only) to help me save gas to commute to college and need help seeing as I know nothing about them hahah. I'm not trying to spend too much, probably 3000 at most(sorry poor college kid) but something that'll just drive me from point A to...
  7. G

    What are some quality headphones or earphones for a beginner audiophile?

    I'm getting tired of the Apple headphones and I really want to start the lifestyle of an audiophile so what are some decent headphones or earphones to start out with?
  8. C

    A beginner in fitness?

    Hello im 16 and i want to start getting into shape, i am 5'6 107 lbs (underweight) yet my body isnt toned at all and im pretty weak. Id like to tone my arms and legs but MOST IMPORTANTLY i want to tone my butt and abs (more then i want to tone my legs and arms) does anyone have anytips to give...
  9. S

    Good sport bike for a beginner?

    I've been riding dirtbikes almost my whole life and recently began riding some of my friends motorcycles. I'm planning on buying one soon but I want to get one that is easy to learn on but that will still be good for me once i gain some expereince on it. I'm looking to buy used and hopefully get...
  10. Z

    Best beginner level keyboard / synth?

    Little brother wants to start learning keyboard / synth. He plays with my friends Juno G, And Microkorg whenever he comes over. but I want to get him for something for christmas for around $350 tops. Best quality keyboard for this price range? Cheers
  11. M

    Is the .308 Remington Model 700 VTR a good hunting rifle for a beginner hunter in

    southern California? I have 4 years of shooting experience (I used to be a Marine). So I am familiar with 5.56mm rifles and machine guns as well 7.62 and .50cal. But I have never shot a bolt action rifle for hunting purposes. I live in Southern California.
  12. T

    What is a good beginner Sport bike?

    Looking to purchase my first bike, not much riding experience only have my beginners riders course liscence. Im 5,6 165lbs. I Like the Yamaha R6 but i here that may be too strong but i also here a step down to any 250cc to not worth it and too weak. How many cc`s should i be looking for on a...
  13. C

    Which music software is best for a beginner?

    So first off I use a Macbook Pro. Secondly I am a complete beginner to music making. I play zero instruments and have never used an extensive music making software. Though I have spent a considerable amount of time goofing off in Garageband. But that's it. I want a music software that is fun...
  14. C

    The Right Beginner Motorcycle?

    I am 16 and am in classes for my endorsement I have ridden before just not legally, I was just curious as to what a good sort of beginner bike would be without being a drag, but no ZX-14 suggestions... I am not a small guy I am 6'4" 240 (not fat football muscle) I would love to have something...
  15. R

    Good kickstart beginner dirt bike?

    Hey.. i am 5'7 3/4 weigh 175 pounds and im 13. I have NEVER ridden a dirt bike before. I would like a 4 stroke that is a kickstart and not a electric start. It also needs to be in the price range of 1-3 thousand dollars. ( I am trying to raise money..) Thanks tell me what models and what...
  16. B

    Is the 1995 Chevrolet Impala SS a good beginner Car?

    I'm 17 right now and my Dream Car is a 1995 SS. Has anybody got any experience with this car? Can u give me some cons and pros? Here are some points I emphesize. Handling Suspension Easy to park Reliabilty (Possible engine breakdowns -> expensive aftermarket kits required.)
  17. E

    Good beginner workout DVD?

    Hi, I am after some advice on behalf of my mum. She is looking to start a workout regime, but she is overweight and in her 50's, so she is going to be limited how much she can do. She is looking for something that will not be too hard and has a routine that can easily be picked up. I've done a...
  18. A

    What's the best sports bike for beginner riders?

    I was thinking of getting a Kawasaki Ninja 250R, but I don't know if there are any other bikes out there. Also, what is a good website to check out used bikes.
  19. E

    I need some tips for a beginner cook.?

    I just recently started learning how to cook. So far I am capable of making simple dishes like Eggs & Bacon, Pasta, but thats about it. I want to learn more. I want to make tasty dishes. Today I tried to experiment but it came out a disaster. I feel like such a letdown Also, whenever I try to...
  20. C

    Beginner soccer league/class for adults in San Antonio?

    I am 18, female, and I have never played soccer before but would like to learn. Are there any fall classes or leagues? The university I go to has a soccer club, but it is competitive and for advanced players. Thanks!