
  1. A

    Is moshing banned in Australia?

    Just wondering if moshing is band in Australia? I mean not like standing area I mean like real moshing like fighting and you know crowd surfing and the wall of death or whatever it's called etc etc..
  2. S

    How to avoid getting banned from Xbox LIVE for Marketplace theft?

    I Brought a old game from Gamestop i look on the marketplace game add ons some price are free and some costs but if i get it they going to accused me from stealing but never stole anything i was wondering there any way to avoid this from happening?
  3. A

    why are cooked and home made foods banned from entering the UAE?

    i was reading through the Dubai customs, and in the banned items list, it included cooked and homemade food why is it banned?..its not something that would hurt anyone, its obviously for personal use as the person bringing it is usually an expat who is bringin with him a taste from home which...
  4. L

    Banned from xbox live for marketplace theft?

    I put so much time and money into my account and now they are just gonna say I stole something from the marketplace when I clearly didn't. It sucks that they can just do that and not have a legit reason. Anyone else got banned or know how to get unbanned?
  5. G

    Missouri Has Banned Teachers from Being Facebook Friends with Students [Wtf]

    Here's a primer on what's illegal in Missouri (some cities): owning a PVC pipe, having oral sex, minors buying lighters, minors buying cap pistols and now student-teacher Facebook friendships. Seriously, that's banned. More »
  6. A

    Brazil shirts banned from Velez Sarsfield’s training complex

    </p> Ahead of their Copa America semifinal against Peru, Uruguay moved training base to the home of Argentine clausura champions Velez Sarsfield -- a complex that apparently has a very strict dress code. The only football shirts that visitors are allowed to wear at the facility are those of...
  7. T

    Physician Participation In Lethal Injection Executions Should Not Be Banned, Argue Tw

    Should physicians be banned from assisting in a lethal injection execution, or lose professional certification for doing so? A recent ruling by the American Board of Anesthesiology will revoke certification of anesthesiologists who participate in capital punishment, and other medical boards may...
  8. G

    Will The Human Centipede Sequel Get Banned in America, Too?

    Will The Human Centipede sequel get banned in America, like it just was in Britain? Please?! —Kozan82, via the inbox You speak of Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, in...
  9. Dude

    high school sports should be banned; how would you argue with that?

    ok i have to do a debate about high school sports, but i have to debate that high school sports should be banned. why would you think high school sports should be banned
  10. C

    Did you hear that the commies in China have now banned public smoking in...

    ...their country? thoughts?
  11. A

    Raffi Torres made ‘hockey play’ or must be banned from playoffs

    Brutal hockey hits are like snowflakes, if snowflakes were designed by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach: No two are alike, and everyone sees something different in them. The moment when that became apparent about the Raffi Torres hit on Brent Seabrook in Game 3 between the Vancouver...
  12. C

    For christians who feel that Harry Potter should be banned--?

    Do you think movies like The Wizard of Oz should be banned as well? I am not trying to incite hate speech--- This is a serious question-- I would like to know where people stand on this
  13. J

    Can you get banned from Xbox live for playing Torrent games?

    If you were to download a torrent game and put it on to a CD for the Xbox 360 is there some way Microsoft can find out if it's a copy and ban you? Recently my Call of Duty: Black Ops game broke and I don't have money to buy a new one so I thought about just getting it from online but it's NOT...
  14. V

    am i banned on xbox live?

    okay so on sunday i was playing on my agent black 13 account i was playing mw2 so then in tuesday wanted to play and saw my gold ran out so im like okay thats fine then i logged in to my agent white account and it had gold membership so im like yes!!! then i go to mw2 i choose multiplayer and...
  15. P

    Is halodrol banned by the military?? they sell it at the gnc on base?

    Im a marine and love to workout. I was in gnc on base and came across halodrol but it says "MAY give a false positive" why would they sell it on base. Someone help out
  16. P

    Is halodrol banned in military?? they sell it at gnc on base?

    Im a marine into heavy lifting came across halodrol at the gnc on base n it says may cause a false positive I was jus curious if this is true or what y would they sell it on base if it would
  17. B

    Why is gnc banned from prof sports?

    I am getting ready to start using supplements for my work out n was thinking of gnc, but i am told they are banned. Y
  18. B

    Why is gnc banned from prof sports?

    I am getting ready to start using supplements for my work out n was thinking of gnc, but i am told they are banned. Y
  19. B

    Why is gnc banned from prof sports?

    I am getting ready to start using supplements for my work out n was thinking of gnc, but i am told they are banned. Y
  20. M

    if i get banned permanantly from xbox live will i still have my map packs on my... account? So i recently got banned until 12/31/9999 and i was wondering if i make a second account will i still have my map packs that i downloaded?