
  1. R

    Should Rap music be banned?

    Apart from being cr@p, rap music glorifies guns,violence, prostitution, drugs, gangs, and portrays all women as sex slaves.Rap is Un-british and anti white as well. It encourages youths to become "gangstas" and makes white kids think "dat dey is black innit" I think this "music" should be...
  2. R

    is this car banned in U.S?

    or is it just really expensive? and if its banned miss typed. is the car banned or not? if so why?
  3. R

    Suspended Six Times On Xbox Live Will I Get Banned Ever?

    I Have Been Suspended 6 Times On Xbl For My Bios And Being Nasty To Other Players The Suspensions Seem To Be Getting Longer I Have Had Two , 2 Week Suspensions .. So I Dont Think There Gonna Get Longer Hopefully XD
  4. B

    should rap music be banned?

    we need quotes and statistic
  5. P

    I'm writing a research paper on banned books...?

    and i need a main research question. it shouldnt sound persuasive but i keep making it sound persuasive so i'm having a hard time with it. it shouldnt be too broad or too narrow and should not be a question that seems like a history paper
  6. C

    Is internet pornography a necessity to men? Should it be Banned?

    If it was banned it would increase the price for illegal copies and would cause men to rape more women.
  7. G

    Attention Apple Store Web Freeloaders: Facebook is Now Banned [Apple Store]

    To all who've parked at a shiny Mac Pro and Cinema Display to lend a little Apple retail magic to your 25 Things chain letter: Facebook has been banned from the Apple Store's networks worldwide. Myspace was first to be banished back in 2007 (so 2007!), and now Facebook has met a similar fate...
  8. Don

    my ps3 is banned i m not living in US ?

    my ps3 is banned i m crying sony banned me for no reson the error is (u cannout use playstation network with this account) full ps3 is banned i cant even create new acount i buyed stuff from my brothers account now my ps3 is banned :( i cant call sony coz my english is not soo good and one time...
  9. M

    Is there a way to download torrents from a tracker which has banned you?

    I can download and open any torrent files, but one tracker in particular will not work (all other torrents download fine). I just get a red arrow next to the torrents from that tracker. I am pretty sure I've been IP banned. Is there a way to evade this (short of changing my IP)? 10 points if...
  10. C

    Is nascar getting banned this year? or is it just a rumor?

    Ive been hearing rumors both online and offline about nascar getting cancelled or shortened this year. I heard it was because of fuel consumption and/or environmentalist complaints. The numbers just dont add up though. What's the deal? check this out
  11. D

    Should all Twilight fans be banned from the Internet.?

    I think they should be banned.
  12. S

    Should meat be banned from school cafeterias?

    I think yes! It is offensive to vegetarians. What if a vegetarian child is given stake and is made to eat it because according to that school "wasting food is evil"
  13. J

    Will Microsoft fix a banned console if it gets the RROD?

    If a banned console gets the RROD and it still has the warranty seal will M$ fix it? This never happen to me, just a hypothetical question.
  14. T

    Do you think internet pornography should be banned in the United States?

    Do you think that pornographic websites should be blocked and made illegal in this country? Ever since it has become popular the child porn industry has been booming and is now a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry. It brings in more revenue than some TV stations. The websites are able to...