
  1. M

    Ripping music on WMP - Auto fill in track names, artist, album artwork etc?

    How do I set my Windows Media Player to be able to auto search on the web for the album details? I turned it off once and never knew what it was, now I cant find it again. :(
  2. I

    Putting artwork for Nokia 5610?

    Hey~ im having problems of mp3 artwork not showing in the music player, If i set the music player theme to default i can view it but when i change it to Electro Echo, Sine Waves, Sound Circuit(which are already installed in the phone when i got it) it doesnt show up, accept for a few mp3 files...
  3. E

    how do you download album artwork to your ipod?

    using bt junkie does anyone know how to download album artwork to your itunes?
  4. P

    Itunes 8 won't show album artwork, why?

    So, I have the artwork where it should be, but the only place it shows is in grid. if I open a song to see the album art, it has a check saying it's there but it doesn't show anything. also, my Itunes when cover flow is on says where the albums should be. "Itunes is unable to browse album cover"...
  5. G

    Ipod touch album artwork skipping songs?

    I recently tried to add album artwork to my iPod touch for all my songs and now my iPod is skipping over songs an only pLay certain songs I have restored It twice and it is still doing the same thing
  6. P

    Why doesn't the artwork on the playing part of my ipod not show the artwok?

    I have 120GB Ipod Claasic. It shows the artwork for every other menu except this one when I scroll down to now playing no art work. Do I have to set something to show displayed?
  7. M

    ITunes unknown album artwork?

    For my unknown songs and unknown albums I have this one album artwork that obviously doesn't belong to all of them. I even clicked on FILE > GET INFO and the artwork was empty. I even uploaded ANOTHER picture for unknown album artwork but the same damn artwork isn't going away. What can I do...
  8. C

    Xbox 360 Video Artwork?

    I currently have a few videos files which are being streamed to my xbox 360 console. I noticed that videos downloaded from the marketplace have artwork beside it, and videos that I own don't. I was wondering if anyone knows how to add artwork to these files. They are going to be transferred to...
  9. F

    Where can i find Infinity Artwork ?

    I need to find a picture where the word "infinity" is written and can be read right side up and upside down.
  10. A

    Do ITunes charge you for getting the albun artwork of a song that you put in...

    ...Itunes, that doesn't have it? Like for example if you download a song in Limewire and put it in Itunes, do they charge if I want to get the artwork?
  11. T

    easy way to put artwork in itunes?

    like a program that free and you don't have to give artwork work to each song one at a time
  12. W

    Album artwork for itunes?

    yes i think try it