
  1. G

    Custom OLED Artwork Will Shame LED Picture Frames Into Extinction [Oled]

    OLED displays are already something beautiful, but this unnamed Japanese company, spied at CES, has taken the technology and turned it into some truly awe-inspiring artwork. The individual panels seen in the video actually line up to form a flowing scene. The effect is kind of cool, popping...
  2. A

    Artwork dishes round-up

    Kristin Love makes wonderful dishes with fanciful characters that will warm your heart.Melamine plates designed by Willie Tsang to resemble an old TV off-the-air test pattern. via BreadboxMerry Design Studio has come up with the I’m Hungry Plates.* via Apartment TherapyDon’t forget about the...
  3. S

    Where to find detailed, interesting *Descriptions of Artwork*?

    Are there any websites or books for purchase that have descriptions of paintings and/or artwork (maybe sculptura or photograph), using detailed language to explain what is seen in the image? This is for museum specialist to use as examples so she can write her own descriptions of pieces on...
  4. C

    How can I get artwork from my itunes to my iphone?

    I got my iPhone the other day and added all my songs to it. I then decided with such a big screen that I needed the artwork. I then used the iTunes feature that tracked down a lot of it. I now want those albums to have on my iPhone but it's not syncing up. Is there a way to get my artwork to...
  5. C

    how do i get access to the expanded artwork in evangelion's dvd?

    I can only watch the making ov evangelion.
  6. P

    What style artwork are you into?..And other questions?

    Who are your favorite artists? What is your favorite medium? Are you into contemporary art or old fashioned art...If so, why? How long have you been interested in art? Do you make art? Where are you from? Do you think one has a moral right to impose ones view of what is and is not art onto...
  7. H

    IPod Nano 4th gen won't display all artwork?

    I went to the trouble of manually inserting artwork into albums in itunes, and I changed the view to sort by title instead of sort by album, but my IPod won't take the changes when I sync it. What do I do? If you say delete the music from the IPod and reinstall it, how do I do that?
  8. M

    how can i change album artwork in iTunes?

    whenever i have and album artwork, most of the time its wrong. for example, the jonas brothers turn up as the moody brothers. anyone know how to switch it to the correct one?
  9. M

    Can you please rate my friends artwork in relation to future technology?

    rate it from 1-10... 10 as the highest... pls feel free to leave comments... thanks... here's the link... ... and fyi, "Republika ng Daigdig" means Republic of the World in Filipino... it's a coin on the center of the artwork... :) Additional...
  10. M

    Can you please rate my friends artwork in relation to future technology?

    rate it from 1-10... 10 as the highest... pls feel free to leave comments... thanks... here's the link... ... and fyi, "Republika ng Daigdig" means Republic of the World in Filipino... it's a coin on the center of the artwork... :)
  11. T

    Any artist that address social ills in their poetry or artwork?

    They want social change and they show it in their art, please no music artists.
  12. E

    How do you add album artwork on itunes?

    So i downloaded a cd on to itunes and there is no album artwork. I was wondering if anyone knows how to add album artwork for a certain cd
  13. S

    iPhone: Can i transfer my 1.1.4 .artwork to 2.2.1?

    ok so i have 2 iphones first gen and second gen i heavierly modified my first gen and never upgraded it to 2.2.1 when i got my second gen i just kept using my first gen cause i liked the mods i'd done and wasnt to bother about the 3g at the time, but now there are some kool apps on the 2.2.1...
  14. X

    why is the album artwork on my ipod a black box?

    i have an ipod touch 2g. i put an album artwork on a lot of my songs but for some reason on some songs where the artwork is suposed to be there is a black box instead, why?
  15. E

    Displaying CD Artwork on Sony Ericsson Walkman Phones?

    I am always listening to music on my phone and like to make sure my playlists are organised etc. I've realised that you can display the artwork of the album while you play it. Does anyone know how to do this.
  16. I

    Itunes album artwork?

    you should either see if you can find the album artwork, stop being fussy, or assign anything as album artwork
  17. D

    If I get album artwork from the internet, and I put them on itunes for my...

    ...songs,will they come up on my itouch? I dont want to sit here for hours doing it and then when I get a itouch ipod , and it doesn't work ill be mad. Will it work? im just saving photos from the internet and adding them to each artwork thing on itunes.
  18. H

    do you know any artwork that can represent the themes 'religion', 'sex', or

    'America'? oh, and the artwork has to be by an American artist
  19. L

    How Do I Burn Artwork onto a DVD Disc?

    I've made a home movie montage where which has been put onto a DVD-R blank disc. However, I would like to burn artwork onto the disc itself. How do I do this?
  20. P

    Why doesn't my itunes artwork transfer over when i put it on another itunes on a...

    ...different computer.? Is there some option in itunes that i can change to make album artwork stick to the song folder.??..??