
  1. Z

    What is the original anime that is connected to the ova holy night?

    Plz help I like the ova but I cant seem to find the actual series
  2. U

    How to expand my drawing from anime style?

    I was born surrounded by anime and manga. All my motivation to pursue my career came from there. But many of my art teacher told me that my drawing of anime style is good but I need to expand more instead of keep drawing the same style over and over. I tried to draw something different but for...
  3. M

    what anime is this from?

    long ago, i saw a clip on youtube of an anime where there was a boy and girl whom i THINK just arrived on a different planet. either way, the girl needed to use the bathroom but the boy was oblivious to it. he kept talking about sticking together because of the danger or something. anyone have...
  4. R

    Anime like Nyan Koi and Natsume Yuujinchou?

    Looking for a kind of slice of life anime where the main character (preferably a guy) is involved with something super natural and tries to keep it a secret so others don't get involved.
  5. C

    Good martial arts anime (read description)?

    I am trying to find something like Kenichi and Hajime no ippo it doesn't have to be exact but i like how they learned how to fight. If possible i want to watch something realistic like these shows. Please do not recommend Tenjou Tenge.
  6. D

    What was the anime about a war in the Middle East that came out before America...

    ...actually went to war with them? It was mentioned on some TV Tropes page about plots that were eerily similar to later events in the real world, most likely Harsher in Hindsight. However, I've been trying to find it there now and it just won't bloody show up. Does anybody have any clue what...
  7. G

    India torrent downlaod anime illegeal ?

    I am downlding anime through torrents mostly from horrible subs. I live in India.So do I get sued by copy right holders or arrested or get notice from my isp for downloading anime through torrents as most anime are not available in my country India. Most anime are not liscensed in India so is...
  8. A

    What anime or cartoon series should I watch?

    What are some nice anime or cartoon series preferably with good mature humor(not stupid slapstick or plain stupid humor) has depth and if possible a good story(not nessessary for comedy). For anime I do like sexy anime ladies so bring it on but anything is fine. For cartoons I like the general...
  9. L

    I'm looking for a specific anime?

    I just need the name of this anime. Its about a guy who lives on a island with his sister where his family got banished for something his father did in a war. He uses a sword fighting technique where he does not use a sword but fights with his hands. This woman comes to visit him on this island...
  10. H

    What anime is this character from?
  11. A

    Which anime does this image belong to? Originally found on the upper left of the background of (part of an advertising for The image is much clearer on the original than the screenshot, but since...
  12. R

    Any Good Anime Apps For Android?

    I want to watch anime (dubbed) without getting hassled to subscribe to something or being slammed with ads being forced on my phone. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
  13. A

    What are some serious real life anime shows?

    I watched enough animes to criticize them. I don't like childish animes which the characters have immortal abilities and which have an unreal plot. In most animes, characters every time fight. And most of them fight for nothing in the end. I like animes that have real life stories and make...
  14. M

    What anime did you think was better the manga or anime version?

    So basically for all the people that like to watch an anime then like to read the manga from where it left off or read the manga from the beginning because their different. What do you think tells a better story the manga or the anime and please list them. List at least 3 that you thought the...
  15. I

    Nana anime instrumentals?

    I want to find Nana's anime instrumentals like Shadow of love,Kuroi namida,Little pain,Starless night,Winter sleep and other amazing songs...Are these instrumentals available on intrernet? Not those made by fans,but original ones? Please,I love them and I really want them !!!
  16. C

    Good anime very similar to hunter x hunter?

    I want a really good adventure/comedy anime I haven't seen that much I've seen: First season of fairy tail (finishing) Hunter x hunter Bleach Naruto
  17. T

    Has anyone used the website called to buy anime...

    ...dvd's and if so is it legit? I just want to know if the website is legit and not just a scam agen the website is called discount anime usa thanks.
  18. J

    Are there any anime series that are similar to Steins;Gate?

    I recently watched steins;gate for the first time. This series had me very intrigued. I loved the fact that no characters had any real "powers", they were humans like you and me. There was just enough comedy in here to avoid boredom (for the less intellectual crowd). The plot was amazing and the...
  19. S

    Bakabt anime torrent site so confusing?

    I was gonna make an account so I could search for specific anime's and such to download but their faq's and rules are so confusing. What is this ratio and seeding/uploading thing they have? I get they are trying to promote seeding but something about seeding to quickly or downloading too quickly...
  20. I

    Sanosukes gambling friends from Rurouni Kenshin anime?

    In the episode that Megumi Takani makes her first appearance, Sanosuke and Kenshin are gambling in a room with two of Sano's friends. He calls them by their names, which sound EXACTLY like their names are Tomoe(Kenshin's first wife), and Kenji(Kenshin's future son). Did ANYONE else catch this...