
  1. M

    Did anime turn me into a loser?

    I used to watch Inuyasha and never thought it was a anime until a few months ago. Back then I've always though anime fans where such losers and people with no lives then I started to watch anime then I really have taken a liking to it. Now I fight on the Internet with youtubers with one piece...
  2. B

    What is this anime???????.....?

    an anime where a girl draws smthin like a star and her friend ( a monster ) i think transforms into something big and destroys the enemies or smthin? i dont remember this since i watched it in childhood
  3. J

    What are some anime shows with human like robots and nudity?

    One day I was going through some on-demand anime show and I found this one show about a man who finds a doll/robot thing that is a girl and it is very naught(Sexualy) and it has a lot of sex and nudity in it I just can't remember what it was called help. Thanks JoJo thats the show.
  4. A

    What anime is the girl in this guy's Profile Picture from? I really want to know as I am interested in watching Anime again. Oh and uh, this is the full picture by itself if it helps you out more.
  5. K

    Can you help me to find video about character in anime naruto at the time

    of his/her death? no problem if you find on youtube or not, thank you (:
  6. C

    Looking for Sad Anime with a Jazzy feel to it.?

    Along the lines of CowBoy BeBop or Samuri Camploo (Yes I know there made by the same creator and that there might not be others like these). As crazy as it sounds I like to become emotionally tied to the characters in a story and want to feel what they're going through. I'm tired of pointless...
  7. C

    Is Bleach Anime over now??????

    I really enjoyed the Fullbring Episode. I was wondering if Bleach 367 will come out....EVER? Is Bleach Anime COMPLETELY over?? I heard another anime replaced it, but that doesn't mean its OVER right?? Is there possibility that it will some day continue?? Bleach is such a successful Anime. Why...
  8. R

    Anime Quiz For Fun! 10 Points!?

    Tell me the name of the character that I am describing and what anime they are from. The person who gets them all right or the most right gets 10 points! Good luck! 1. She has long brown hair, brown eyes, she tries her best to look strong to others, and she fights with homemade kitty-fists. 2...
  9. I

    Trying to remember old sci-fi anime... Help?

    I can only remember that there was a girl with light blue(by blue I mean BLUE not blonde lol xD) hair, and that the anime was about science fiction... I don't have much memory of it couse I was very young when I watched It... I remember only those things.... Any help will be appreciated! :) I'm...
  10. J

    Anime Research. Need new anime to watch. Suggestions?

    I've been watching anime and simple to put need new anime to watch. Genres Preferred: Action, Martial arts, Fantasy + Anything else. Themes: Protective Overview: Revolves around a strong male protagonist. Looking for a good storyline, revolving around a strong male character who never backs down...
  11. I

    Opinions on my AMV )Anime Music Video)?

    Please give me your opinions on my AMV :D
  12. H

    What are some good anime sytes?

    Hello everyone!)do you know any sytes where i can talk with other people about anime and manga??P.S. just watched BECK and loved it:D
  13. L

    What anime show is this?

    How many times this question was asked, i do not want to know >.>
  14. G

    What's this anime?

    I remember very little -- I think I saw a clip of it in an AMV once... Anywho, what I can recall is that there was this long-haired girl splattering paint everywhere, and faceless mannequins(?). It might've been the opening sequence of the anime... Sorry if this is not enough info; I can't...
  15. C

    What's another anime similar to Fullmetal Alchemist?

    I've watched both anime series and read the manga and loved it all, so I'm looking for something with the same charm that will suck me in. I'm not fond of excessive filler, and completely indifferent to romance. I also like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Black Cat, and Chrno Crusade, to name a few...
  16. E

    What's the saddest anime you've seen and why?

    I know clannad and elfen lied as well as angel beats but I can't think of any other ones. The saddest for me so far is clannad
  17. M

    Constant happiness-Physcological Anime?

    Once i watched an anime which had only 2 episodes of 45 minutes. one of these episodes was about constant happiness in the world. it was a physcological anime but i cant remember its name. can someone help me?
  18. Z

    need some info or help for that matter.....about buying anime?

    I have been watching anime for awhile now and I am sick of watching it online due to shitty quality. Not to mention I have satellite internet which your better off just using dial up. Anyway I want to buy really good shows for cheap if possible anybody know any websites that sell anime cheap and...
  19. E

    Short but good anime?

    I'm talking about 12-25 episodes here so please NO NARUTO
  20. B

    Anime protagonist is Huge demon when his mad, then he turns back into a human...

    ...after getting whipped by 2 girls? what anime is this? the main character transforms into a huge demon and gets whipped by two girls and transforms back into a human.. those 2 girls are his companion in his journey. and he has monk friend with them.. i really cant remember the anime.. its...