
  1. martyc

    Why is Bjorks new album called bastards...?

    A strange name?Anyone know...?
  2. H

    Samsung Music Player Album Art Problem!!?

    I have galaxy note2.My song have album art but some doesnt have album.The problem is the one which doesnt have album take the one which had album picture!I am so tired changing it back.Example:Song A and B has album,the real is B doesnt have album.It takes song A's album.
  3. P

    What is a MP3 site that most songs come with album art?

    What is a good MP3 website that has the most album covers on the song or what is a website that can let you add a picture to a downloaded free song.
  4. W

    Who's who on the Magical Mystery Tour album cover?

    On The Beatles' amazing Magical Mystery Tour album cover, there are four people dressed in varied animal costumes. I'm assuming, that the silly boys that are all dressed up on the album cover are none other but The Beatles themselves. With that, I was wondering.. who's who? Who is dressed up as...
  5. B

    What is a good AC/DC album for a first time listener?

    I've been meaning to get into them for a while, but I've never got around to doing it. So, what would be the best AC/DC album for a first time listener?
  6. M

    Album cover art pop quiz!!??(P.O.D.)?

    On the P.O.D. album that has the woman with butterfly wings and a crown and her legs wrapped together with something, what is the symbolic meaning in that? And why does it say "Sanctus" over her crotch area? And why are her arms crossed over her chest?
  7. G

    Mandy Moore and Hubby Ryan Adams Collaborating on New Album

    We've already been told that the duo "work well together," but now we'll know for sure. Singer Mandy Moore will be collaborating with her singer-songwriter husband Ryan...
  8. L

    Where could I find a torrent for the "Start from Skratch" album?

    The artist is Better Luck Next Time. Piratebay doesn't have it and other websites require a program. I will gladly take links to the torrents. I have utorrent if this info is necessary. Thank you in advance!
  9. D

    Is the t-mobile online album not working?

    Everytime i log onto my account and click album, it logs me off and asks me to re-enter my password. Is this only me or can you other t-mobile users also not access?
  10. P

    How do i delete "iPod photo cache" album off my iPhone 4?

    i synced pictures off my PC to my iphone 4 and now i want to get them off my phone but i dont know how! I have already tried deleting the pictures out of my "iPod Photo Cache" album in "MY Pictures" on my PC
  11. S

    Trying to raise funds for album recording

    My band is trying to raise funds for album recording. We released two albums prior, that were recorded by us, and paid for out of our own pockets, and we decided that this time around, we wanted to deliver an end result with better quality and preferably, less financial stress on ourselves...
  12. L

    What album sums up your high school days?

    I'd go with "CITY OF EVIL"
  13. L

    What album sums up your high school days?

    I'd go with "CITY OF EVIL"
  14. R

    why does my iphone take forever to chane the song title or album after doing it

    in itunes? like the title says its driving me beyond nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i plug in my iphone to itunes and i edit my songs title when its wrong and add a album art and it shows on itunes that it took the time to charge up and make the changed but once i check my phone its the...
  15. J

    Did you or anyone you know submit answers to the quiz on the De La Soul album 3...

    ...Feet High and Rising? Did you (or he or she) win a prize?
  16. A

    Is there anyway to delete the pictures on my Iphone under the photo stream album?

    I just downloaded new software to my 3G iphone 4 and the picture settings changed. I have 2 separate albums called camera roll and photo stream and photo stream has all the pictures i've taken since i've done the download. It won't let me erase any pics int the photo stream album, is there any...
  17. F

    Pink Martini - 1969 download? MP3 album?

    Anyone know where I can get a Pink Martini & Saori Yuki 1969 MP3 download? Not from a file sharing site or torrent, or Mediafire/Rapidshare whatever they are called. I'm looking for legit MP3 copies, but I can't seem to find any in the US :( Help a Pink Martini fan out
  18. F

    Adam Lambert TRESPASSING download MP3 album?

    Adam fans! First off - I'm not asking for a torrent, or a Trespassing Mediafire or Megaupload MP3 download link. I'm asking where to pre-order a digital download cause I'm really excited to get Adam Lambert's new album on the day it comes out. Anyone know of any cheap MP3 places?
  19. I

    On the Fleetwood Mac album "Rumours", who is the tall guy on the album cover?

    On the Fleetwood Mac album "Rumours", who is the tall guy on the album cover? sorry if that seems like a dumb question to those that are Fleetwood Mac fans :P I'm not too familiar with that group-I'm familiar with a few songs tho ;)
  20. B

    When does Taylor swifts fourth album come out and will she tour the UK in 2012

    or 2013? Hey so I know Taylors album is out in 2012 but does anyone know when and when she will next be touring the UK?